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How DID I get here?


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Well, for starters I've been doing a lot of soul searching for about 4 to 5 years now. I had never really had much faith in politicians and institutions and my interest in documentaries didn't improve it. I ended up on Yout00b and noticed a 'recommended' video in the side bar on voting. Since I already lost my faith in voting the video sounded like music to my ears and I subbed to the stefbot channel :)


The ball's just kept on rolling from there, really. I enjoy being wrong as through listening to a lot of FDR videos I'm frequently confronted with 'morals and values' which I used to consider to be true but then find to be spoon fed nonsense, mostly originating from my mother. I'm amazed how many people call in to the Sunday show and start off with 'I had a pretty normal childhood' only to end up telling a story that just amazes me. The power of denial is great. Not great as in 'Wow! That's great!', though, naturally.

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  • 4 months later...

I noticed that you appear to be a supernanny fan from you icon? have you listened to the FDR podcasts about unschooling with Dayna Martin? They really are fantastic! Especially if you're into parenting approaches :)

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Welcome to the forum.

I feel as though you are a bit detached from yourself, as most people aren't all that able to apply concepts to themselves so easy. If this is true, I encourage you to take advantage of this and to notice when you project, have Freudian slips, and do other psychological tendencies. I like to make a game of it, and it can be rather enlightening.

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