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From the Northland


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my name is Valerie. I currently live in the frozen north of
Minnesota. I am a married woman, with no children. 

will maybe post about my past in a different post, at a later date.
For now I would just like to explain where I am currently. My husband
and I are in the midst of down sizing our lives. We are moving into a
24 ft RV that we have outfitted for survival in this cold climate. We
have it currently parked on a piece of land we are renting.  With
our landlords permission and encouragement we plan to make a large
garden and raise a flock of chickens as well as the possibility of
other poultry. 

believe strongly in self sufficiency, and living a life "light"
on the planet. Meaning I don't want to just consume, I want to also
produce. I am young only 28. Entirely self educated in the art, and
labor of organic vegetable growing. I plan to one day be able to grow
enough food to provide for my family, as well as be able to harvest,
store, and save my own wood fuel, and seed. I've also taught myself
how to knit. While I will never be done learning how to live in this
way, I'm happy to be doing it, and on my own terms. 

husband and I try to live as if the government doesn't exist.
Ignoring for the most part the gun in the room. We hope to one day be
the best parents we can be to as many children as we can provide for
comfortably. At this time, I am unable to have children. So we do
plan on one day adopting. The hurdles which the government has put in
place for people to adopt have made this feat a long, hard, and
financially draining task. So it is something we have not yet even

struggle with the harsh realities of the world. I feel a lot of heart
break and pain listening to the despairingly bleak actions of the
government, the struggle and suffering of  fellow man weights
heavy on my mind. So, I sometimes focus solely on my life, my
existence. It's sheer joy, and entirely selfish. This is the life I
have, and I'm living it how I see fit. It's not the cause of all that
despair, in fact it should be and is just the opposite. My life is
one of love, joy, and peace. 

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Hello Valerie and welcome



I struggle with the harsh realities of the world. I feel a lot of heart break and pain listening to the despairingly bleak actions of the government, the struggle and suffering of  fellow man weights heavy on my mind. So, I sometimes focus solely on my life, my existence. It's sheer joy, and entirely selfish. This is the life I have, and I'm living it how I see fit. It's not the cause of all that despair, in fact it should be and is just the opposite. My life is one of love, joy, and peace. 


I hope that being part of this community will help show that there are a lot of non-harsh realities of the world that are life enriching too

if there is anything we can do to enrich your experience here or of life please let us know

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