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My friends

It hasn't been easy, but I finally made to the FDR forum. I feel like a tropical fish that started out in Siberia and I'm just now reaching the coast.

A little about me. I'm a middle aged guy living in Portland, Oregon.  I was an early adopter of de-foo.  I "de-food" for all intents and purposes at age 16 (mid 1980s). It wasn't until age 20 that the separation was complete. Hearing someone describe what it means to de-foo was such a relief. I have always known exactly what it was, but have never felt comfortable until recently trying to explain to others my lack of family cultism. I still cringe when I get asked about family. It's such a given to everyone -to love and be loyal to those that held you captive for the first two decades of life. But I smile and give a generic answer suitable to the situation. I learned long ago truth is the last thing people want to hear. 

So I am with good company, I suspect when I say that I have severed my chains of non-sense and proudly proclaim my being: de-food, atheist, ancap.



Welcome to the boards!  I'm so sorry that your experience growing up was being 'held captive' for two decades.  I hope your life outside the cage will be more pleasant for you.

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