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Howdy Fellow Anarcho-Capitalists


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I came across Stefan Molyneux and his radio show a few years back and I have been hooked ever since.

Stefan, Jeffrey Tucker, Murray Rothbard, Mises and others have helped shape my exodus away from believing in the state and government.

Just as we are able to be spiritual without religion, we are able to have society without government. The artificial construct of government is slowly dying and it is following in the footsteps of religion.

I look forward to a future with no government, no religion and humans who are able to act peacefully through mutual cooperation. Will we ever get there? I'm not so sure, but it's what I'm hoping for and working towards.

I'm happy to be here and look forward to future discussions :)

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Well I like to think that philosophy has had a positive impact on my life. My whole life I have always seeked wisdom and studied the philosophy of people more wise than myself. As I continue to grow in philosophy and wisdom it appears as though the more free I become. I have relatively low stress, great relationships and I spend most of my time working on my business which I enjoy greatly. My life has purpose because of philosophy.

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