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seeing the farm


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to see the farm is to leave the farm... so when do i get set free? im now oppressed for expressing my anger withought hurting anybody (made some cops baw though and went in with like 7 charges, most of them made up) 


If you have seen the farm, you are already free; your mind is free. This doesn't mean that the professional thugs and thieves that run your country will leave you in peace, but now you can see them for what they are. You no longer have to participate in their charades, and you hopefully have no desire to join them. Live your life free, that's all.

Don't enter the battles you can't win, no single person can take on the world's biggest maffia on his own.

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If you have seen the farm, you are already free; your mind is free.

Not surprisingly, many people find this ... unsatisfying.

The farmed sheep doesn't feel very free when its head is forced underwater into the filthy bath of the sheep dip, nor would it make much difference if the sheep could see the farm for what it was. The farmed cow doesn't feel very free when its newborn calf is forcibly removed so that the cow will continue to produce milk, nor would it make much difference if the cow could see the farm for what it was.

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If you have seen the farm, you are already free; your mind is free.

Not surprisingly, many people find this ... unsatisfying.



You are absolutely right, it is very unsatisfying! I really didn't mean to give the impression that I was (or that anybody should be) satisifed. My point is that if everyone could see the farm, there would be no farm. That is the only way to real change.

In the real world it is really only sheep leading other sheep to slaughter, all in quiet agreement. The farm is a lie!

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It is quite startling to recognize, to know, that delusion has been forced upon you. That till now, a lost sea of white mist has covered your eyes, as you only had been able to stumble with the aid of vague shadows. If lost in the fog for too long, the shadows become what they describe, and etches into the mind.

Upon finding a path free of mist, to not see the farm in front of you, is to see delusion as reality. To see the farm is to open up the gateway to virtue. To learn of true virtue, is to act in reality in accordance with reality, to see beyond shadows. To know virtue, is to recognize the mist, the dead ends, the circular paths, and to know at last: that you can now be free.

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That till now, a lost sea of white mist has covered your eyes, as you only had been able to stumble with the aid of vague shadows. 


This has been huge for me. I can see how it might be unsatisfying if you expect knowledge to transform the world quickly but just to be clear and grounded in my own mind is very rewarding to me.



The farmed sheep doesn't feel very free when its head is forced underwater into the filthy bath of the sheep dip, nor would it make much difference if the sheep could see the farm for what it was.


It wouldn't make much difference for sheep but we aren't sheep. We can make changes in our own lives but only after we have knowledge of what is wrong. I think people who are unsatisfied with mental clarity are probably struggling with the inability to change others. In the past this has been a frustrating and debilitating feeling for me as well but after taking a step back and really thinking about it, it's a liberating feeling too. After realizing that I have no responsibility to rescue other people from their crazy delusions I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders.

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