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Made the Firm Resolve to Get Clean

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Hello everyone.  I've introduced myself on these boards before, but I'm posting on the Introduce Yourself thread because as the title reads, I've made the firm resolve to not get high anymore.  I haven't smoked in 4 or 5 days and as such, the anxiety that I've been using it to mask is showing up and it'd be really great to have some people to talk to on Skype, as I'm waiting on a few job prospects (currently jobless) and need some productive and fun ways to spend time, otherwise I fear it'll be too easy to get high again.

I don't have any friends that don't use drugs (seeing that in print blows my mind) and while started seeing my therapist again weekly, that's simply not enough time out of the week to have conversations about shit that really matters.  My Skype name is Karahashianders and I thank you all for reading this.

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That's great to hear. I've been there and I know how tough it can be to feel the pain and anxiety rather than try to make it go away. I also had a lot of drug using friends and the pressure to smoke can be hard to confront. In my situation I ended up abandoning my old friends because outside of the shared avoidance of reality we didn't have any true connection. Anyway I hope your job hunt turns out well, good luck.

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