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I can't imagine too many people read these, but hi! I am new!


Though I don't have big opinions or interests in philosophy or politics, psychology and self-knowledge have been areas of my interest for awhile. I'm hoping through the forums I can share and engage on ideas and experiences, as I'm not getting a ton of options for that in my physical life.



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Well, I read it!




I am sorry that you do not seem to feel fulfilled in these areas in your "physical life" and I hope that this forum satisfies some of your intellectual and emotional needs.


Thanks Wesley!


よこそラウレンさん (welcome Lauren)


Arigatou! I'm actually taking a Japanese class in September, haha :) 


Hey Lauren, Welcome!


Where you from? What you do? :)


I'm in Manitoba Canada, in the field of Graphic design :)


Welcome! How did you get into Freedomain Radio?


Actually my brother introduced me, I've been familiar with it for at least 4 years or so, or maybe a few more?

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FDR has a way of hooking you in for one thing and then keeping you for others- I'm sure that by the time your an active member here politics and philosophy will be as important to you as self-knowledge, psychology and a whole slew of things that you didn't even realize you cared about. I heartily welcome you Lauren. 

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I see. I'm planning to tell my brother about this FDR, but I'm pessimistic about it because I think he won't listen to me..you gave me some hope! What kept you from joining the board earlier? 

As someone that isn't knowledgable on philosophy or politics, I didn't think there was a place for me here. But my brother mentioned I might find the forums a valuable resource for psychology related topics, so I thought I'd give it a try and see what happens.It might give you an idea of how receptive your brother would be if you casually sent him a Molyneaux video, maybe a less radical one, and asked him what he thought of it. His reaction might tell you a lot without putting yourself in a vulnerable situation. Or not, you can do whatever I'm just spit-ballin' :)


FDR has a way of hooking you in for one thing and then keeping you for others- I'm sure that by the time your an active member here politics and philosophy will be as important to you as self-knowledge, psychology and a whole slew of things that you didn't even realize you cared about. I heartily welcome you Lauren. 


haha thanks Walt! who knows :)

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I see. I'm planning to tell my brother about this FDR, but I'm pessimistic about it because I think he won't listen to me..you gave me some hope! What kept you from joining the board earlier? 


I personally have found that a more effective thing to do, is to make members of your family, who you believe are capable of it, question their realities.


I have found that you must get them into the habbit of questioning things. By spending time with you family and exposing them to real logical thinking you can get them thinking. You must show the flaws in their thinking or held beliefs (but try nothing philosophical or religious, only show them the flaws in things that can be proved by physical demonstration), show the hypocracy of their actions or the actions of others in contrast to their beliefs.


I found a great way is to show people that, that which is generally accepted is not necessarily correct. A Good example is economics which is easy to prove, by taking some of their held economics beliefs and showing them how they ignore those in their actions. Economics is also extremely good for discussion as most people work hard each week and will take money seriously.


Get them asking questions which is the first step on the road to philosophy.


There is a time when people are ready to be exposed to the kinds of philosophy, reason and information, which most people here have been.


Also, Hello.

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