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Hello from California, USA


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Hello everyone! I'm happy to finally have been accepted into this forum. Thanks to Micheal who looked into it after I sent a question to Stefan for his mailbag a couple days ago.

I'm a 24yo mother of one 4yo son and Stefan's videos have truly helped shape me into a more peaceful, nonaggressive parent. I love his videos on parenting.

I initially found Stafan's videos when looking up philosophical parenting, and was very pleased to see he also shared my newly formed views on the world.

I was very naive when I was 20 years old an pregnant with my son. Only starting to become interested in politics and not sure about my views in either direction. Becoming a mother pushed me to care more about how our world worked because, well, I care about the world my son grows up in. I was hit hard with reality and have learned so much in the past 4 years.

So I have been listening to Stefan Molyneux for 3 years now and I just love the way he can explain things in such a simple and reasonable manner. I also listen to Alex Jones on occasion as well but I much prefer Stefan Molyneux's approach. These days I have Stefan's app and listen to every video while I'm at work.

In our family we make a point to have at least one parent home with our son at all times (no daycare!!) and I will be homeschooling my son. We home preschool now and he just loves it. We have been met with quite a bit of negative responses to that choice but Stefan's interviews on the topic have really helped me feel confident in our choice to homeschool.


Anyhow, I am very excited to join the most popular philosophical conversation in the world!!


Thanks for reading.

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So far it's going well. It's not every day yet but a few times a week and my son certainly learns through play every day. We have 1 year until he is kindergarten age and 2 years before I have to fill out an affidavit with the state. Right now I'm just trying to learn as much as I can, find a homeschooling community we fit into well, and go through the endless list of possible curriculums I may use in the future. It's a little intimidating and there are days I wonder if I'm "qualified" but other homeschooling families I met, and the reality of public school, reassures me that this is the right choice.

I'm also in school right now, I started wanting to become a teacher and it led to me deciding I wanted to homeschool. So my fear of not being qualified will fade with time. I figure that as long as I have the love of learning I can teach the love of learning. Any subject I am not well versed in I will learn alongside my son, which is the reality for many public teachers.


It's exciting but a lot of decision making.

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Welcome Aimeesh,


I used to want to be a teacher too until I realized the herding committed by the state indoctrination camps during my practicum. You are well on your way to being a great teacher and parent. Good luck on your journey, your child is lucky to have you and I am happy to know there will be a brighter future filled with children that "aren't crushed by conformity".

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