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Hi, my name's Dan (or Danny, either one, though I prefer both to Daniel because that sounds to formal) - FireShield is the username I use almost everywhere on the internet, so please feel free to call me Dan, Danny, or FireShield (or FS, as some people abbreviate my username on other forums).  I'm 18 years old, I live and grew up in Connecticut, and am a freshman in college, and the university I'm going to is also in Connecticut.  


I discovered Freedomain Radio through its iPhone app last December, while searching for libertarian related apps (I wasn't an anarchist at the time, I was only a libertarian/minarchist).  I scrolled through the topics and saw anarchy, which interested me since I had never heard anarchist arguments before.  I listened to all the podcasts on the app, and enjoyed them so much that I subscribed to all the podcast volumes on the podcast app and am currently listening to all of them in order (I've listened to over 600 at this point).  I originally listened to them at 3x the normal speed, but then that ability was removed from the app with an update, so now I listen to them at 2x speed.  I'm also subscribed to Stefan's YouTube channel and watch most of the videos he uploads.  I found the arguments so logical that I became an anarchist after only a few of the podcasts.


As for more personal things about me, I like skiing, hiking, running, listening to music (anything in the rock genre), writing (well, more thinking than actually writing), and playing video games (you may be able to tell from my username and picture that I'm a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog).  I'm majoring in chemical engineering, though what I really want to do is to write books, movies, TV shows, and video games.  However, I know that I won't necessarily be successful at that, so I plan on getting a job in the field of chemical engineering (which pays well, is something I'd be pretty good at, and not something that would bore me) and write books on the side.  If the books sell well, I'll write for a living.


For those who know about MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), I'm an INTJ (for those who don't know what that means, it's Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging).  Look it up if you want to know more about it.  As for enneagram, my tritype with wings and variant (I realize most people would have no idea what I'm saying here) is 1w9-5w4-3w4 sp/sx.  Other info: I'm a strong atheist and weak adeist (as in, I am 100% certain that there is no theistic god/gods, but as for a deistic god, there is no evidence for one so I don't believe in any, but I don't think it's necessarily impossible for one to exist - not that it matters either way).  I'm also a heteroromantic asexual (meaning that I'm emotionally attracted to girls, but not sexually attracted to either gender - or I might be demisexual meaning that I can only be sexually attracted to someone once I'm extremely close to them emotionally, but I wouldn't know since I've never been in a relationship).  I also have severe social anxiety disorder (despite this enormous, personal introduction), but it's not that bad considering that I'm extremely introverted and like to spend time by myself anyway - I do have a few, really close friends, and that's all I really need anyway.


Anyway, I look forward to having discussions on the forums.

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