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Another New Face

Guest - Josh -

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Guest - Josh -



It's nice to be here. My name is Josh. I'm 24. I hold a BA in International Studies and a minor in Islamic Studies. I'm an atheist, anti-theist, and voluntaryist. How I came to recognize those positions is a long story, but I can assure you Mr. Molyneux had some influence:thumbsup: 


I'll spare you guys an autobiography, but if y'all have any questions for me, feel free to ask.

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Guest - Josh -

Hi Kevin, thanks for the welcome.


Well it depends what you compare it to. Compared to believing in nonsense for over 20 years, I'd say my transition has been alarmingly short. However, the time it took for me to realize I was a voluntaryist would probably seem painful for the most patient among you. I can't say there was an exact point when I knew I wasn't a statist anymore, but I can say I've been a voluntaryist for about 5 or so months now. Prior to that, I was a minarchist; and before that, a libertarian. I remember a time not too long ago when I proudly voted for presidential candidate McCain. After he lost, I even found myself defending Obama. If Ron Paul hadn't given me some sense, I would have never attended an IHS seminar. Had that not occurred, I would have never started the path to minarchy. And finally, if it weren't for Mr. Molyneux, I'd still be a statist.


Had I encountered none of this, I would be working for the State Department or the FBI. Had this information come too late, I would be worried about my fate as a whistleblower. So, a big thanks to FDR for literally saving my life from the state.

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Good day, Josh!

It's great that you've found your way here, we really need more free people in this world.

I wish you a lot of fun and discovery on the boards and with these fascinating and deep ideas.

Just remember that your contribution to this conversation is highly valued.


Again, welcome to the boards!

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