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Hello from North Kilt Town!


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Hey everyone!


My name is Jessica. I'm also late to this party (the party being intellectual honesty and good ethics, the hip-happening est party ever!), but hey, it's never too late for a new convert I think. I'm 24-years-old and a somewhat single mother to a 1-year-old spirited boy. I live in Scotland, in the socialist nightmare that is the UK... not by choice, alas. I hail from Australia though, and still sound as much.


I guess my search for knowledge kicked into full gear with my de-conversion from Christianity in 2008, which has fundamentally changed my life for the better. Since then my views on morality, ethics and politics have taken a subsequent turn also. Once a full supporter of taxation and universal healthcare I found myself doubting the rationale for a system of society based on a theft principle and thus began a line of questioning that has arrived me at a libertarian ideology. This began almost a year ago, and the more I have expanded my knowledge on politics and the non-aggression principle, the more I find myself arriving further still at anarchism, although my knowledge on this subject in particular is somewhat limited and so I feel more comfortable taking a non-committal approach to this as of now. But libertarian, definitely.


Have been watching videos by Stefan for many months now and decided to take the plunge and join his community here in the hopes to meet some like-minded individuals who can teach me a thing or two. Making friends who share my political beliefs would be a welcome strategy, since there seems to be so few of me around where I live that talking politics seems more like a constant flow of vitriolic interrogation than an informative exchange of rational ideas, as it should be. And granted, I still have much to learn.


Anyway, thanks for having me and look forward to learning more about you guys :)

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