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Helllooooooooooo FDR!!!


Hi, my name is Rich, and I'm new here in these parts. My journey started in 2007 when I discovered Ron Paul's book, The Revolution. It really changed my view of government, and over the course of the following years, I just kept taking the "red pills" until I reached FDR and checked out some of the first podcasts. I kept listening, desperately trying to catch up (I started with season 1), but with Stef's 2 podcasts a day, there really was no way. So, I just kept listening and absorbing as much as I could until I moved beyond the dream that politics will solve anything and am more aligned with anacap thought now and want to keep exploring. Eventually, in a podcast I ran across Stef's suggested donation request and since I had recently given money to RP, I was happy to support Stef and the community. I signed on as a monthly subscriber a few months ago and didn't log in much until just now.


So what brings me here now? Community. I had a very brief discussion at work today with some morally wrecked people and it got me thinking about how it makes me feel sad, isolated, and angry. So wait, _I'M_ the one who is supposed to leave the country because I don't want my money paying to drone children in Pakistan? As I'm sure many of you here have experienced, my views just make the unique one most places I go, so I would like to change that up a bit. It will also be refreshing to discuss philosophy with those who can make logically consistent arguments and who can see propaganda for what it is. Sometimes I wish I had just taken the blue pill, but I enjoy seeking the truth too much to do so. Anyway, I know that I have a lot to learn from everyone here, and I look forward to the discussions.


What's up buddy i'm down in your area, Oceanside - near the deathstar of buzzcuts and tapout shirts, camp Pendleton.  I've had the same feeling of infectious morally drained people sucking the life out of me until you either brush 'em off or just settle for lackluster conversation.  What do we do, eh?   Something I'm continually reminded of here is that you can't change peoples minds, they gotta do it their damn selves.  Seems near impossible too in the OC/SanD. counties where image and opulence will probably always takes precedence over good ol honesty and humility.. anyhoo it's always good to here of folk in the area.  Take care, see ya around


Yesssss! I knew that there had to be someone around my area! I agree on changing people's minds in SoCal, it just isn't happening unless they do it themselves (I think I was guilty of that too until I took the first red pill haha). Nice meeting you!

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