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Hello, figured I would introduce myself.  You guys can call me KJAK, or Kenny, either one is fine, I was the first caller on the 11/20/13 show.  I consider myself an anarcho-capitlist in that I think that force should never be used (self defense is not force to me), and instead through voluntary trade and cooperation can achieve much more than force will ever be able to.  I have come a far way in the past six or so years from fascist, to conservative, "Ron Paul Republican", little "l" libertarian and now here.  


I consider myself an "agnostic" in that I do not believe that there is a "god" of some sorts but I wont say that I know it for a fact.  That being said even if there was a "god" of sorts, I don't think blindly worshiping it would be a good idea.  Keep in mind when I say "god" I don't mean god as in the bible or any particular religion but in something that might have created something that eventually created us. 


I would say that I am a fairly diplomatic person and I try to keep an open mind and am willing to see things through other peoples eyes.   I do think there is some good of playing politics in the current system, because after all it was through politics that I was able to find out about the ideas of individualism and anarchism.  Although I am willing to admit that it is more than likely not the best solution and I do not think it will "win" us the big victories we need to end the state as we know it.  So yeah, if you have any question feel free to message me or reply here or what ever.  


Take care,


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