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Hi y'all from Welfare Nightmare!


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Hi everyone!


I was born in Sweden, grew up in Denmark, worked in Norway, now live in The Netherlands but will soon move back to Norway again. That means that I have grown up and been brain washed to believe in statism and walfareism - with the worlds' highest tax level currently in Denmark.


Within the past year and a half, I have made the journey from what we call moderate "social-liberal" to anarchist. I have reached this enlightenment mainly through debating political issues on Facebook. I always had that gnawing feeling that something was entirely wrong with the whole system - and when I first heard of NAP less than a year ago, it sort said "click" - suddenly it all made sense to me - a bit like taking the red pill in The Matrix and waking up to see for real what you have always subconsciously known.


In Europe "social-liberal" means that you believe in free markets, but that you support a welfare state with social security and socialized healthcare and universities.


I am 39 and would you believe that I have never heard anyone arguing for libertarian or anarchist views until a year ago. Such politicians or public figures don't exist in Europe. I had never heard of the moral arguments for libertarianism - only the economic. And that is in spite of the fact, that I have always taken more than average interest in social science. I even took extra classes in social science in secondary school.


I intend to make some narrated presentations myself with content promoting a free society. What do you / Stefan and other free society promoters use to produce such narrated presentations that you put on youtube?



Jonas :)

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Welcome Jonas!  I love hearing that debating on FB actually works to wake folks up!


I don't know how to answer your question, but I think you're talking about doing some podcasting yourself?  Great idea!  I know Stef has talked on this in the past, and also you could check out James Corbett and also Richard Grove, they've done podcasts on teaching how to create podcasts.


Good luck!

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That's pretty interesting about what you learn in Europe on libertarianism.


Even though 99% of Americans reject libertarianism, there is a libertarian mythology about the country that is even taught in schools e.g., the American way, independence, free markets, entrepreneurship, rugged individualism, the American dream, the founding fathers, praising the likes of Payne, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson,  with the term 'liberty' strewn throughout even the most jingoistic of pro-government songs.  It's on some of our money etc.  


As I type this, I'm even a little baffled to how the school somehow promotes this libertarian heritage/mythology and then, without any formal turning point, essentially throws it out the window and teaches the opposite.


They never dare use the term "libertarian" though.  I think they promote the idea of liberty being a feature of the state i.e., it is our government that gives us our liberty.


This topic might be worthy of its own thread in Education.

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Thanks a lot for your feedback! I found various options for recording presentations on my screen. The most straight forward on a windows machine seems to "Microsoft Expression Encoder 4" which in the free version allows up to 10 min recording. It records sound and footage simultaneously but that is fine for now. As I become more experienced, I might want smarter editing options - and e.g. to record the narration separately, then mix it later. But this is just fine for now!

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