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Hi from Portugal


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Hi  there,


 My name is Miguel, and i´m a 32 year old man from Portugal. I discover FDR in 2009/2010, I once was a monthly donator, but now I don´t have a good finacial situation. I like very much the show, it is provocative, intelligent, scary, all the qualities you need in a good show. :D  I´m an atheist and I agree with the validity of the NAP.


Thank you all :thanks:


EDIT: yeah i´ve been a "lurker" on the forum, but some what active in sharing videos and on the chatroom

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i am also from Portugal and curious of how many "Portuguese" people there is in the freedomain radio! 25 years old and made occasional contributions when possible! Discovered FDR around 2009 also.



PS= There is no shame in lurking :P i have now realized how funny it is writing this post in English searching for people in Portugal....  

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I found freedomain through Stefan's video on wikileaks! I found his arguments spectacular but it was on UPB NAP and peaceful parenting that he blow me way!


Then i found his videos on Anarcho capitalism and the state and because i came a "bit" from the zeitgeist perspective mostly because off a completely misunderstanding of capitalism, i did not agree with his views i though that it was strange that a man with such a great thoughts and arguments on UPB, NAP and etc to be so wrong(lol)....still i watch all his videos about this subject to try and understand and long story short i found my views on capitalism completely wrong......


I has an atheist before coming to knowing of FDR did not watch much of it has i find it a dull subject rather the opposite regarding the state has it seems a much taller ordeal to go through...his relationships material are absolute and have helped my current relationship!!!    

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