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I am damaged goods. Please help.


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Hi.  This is my first forum so I'm not entirely sure about the rules.


I'm here to participate in philosophical discussions on interesting topics, but at the moment I'm seeking help and advice with my traumatic childhood.


I want to respect the forum and the rules so if a thread describing my horrific childhood is inappropriate, even in the 'Miscellaneous' sub-section, I will not discuss that on freedomain radio forum.


I thought this forum might have smart and empathetic people who could help me analyze and cope with my past abuse.  If that is allowed as long as it's in the correct sub-section, please tell me, where should I open that thread?


In the Miscellaneous sub section?



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Hi LooseBrick! Welcome to the boards :)


There is nothing in the forum guidelines against talking about your traumatic childhood, so long as you don't defend abuse. And I'm very sorry that you were burdened with something so terrible as a horrific childhood. No person should ever have to experience that :(


I do not represent anyone but myself, but I'm sure people here would be very sympathetic and may even have some great perspectives, and relevant experience, but nobody here (save for a couple people) is actually trained in this area, so I would hesitate to use the forums as any kind of replacement for actual psychotherapy. Which I can't recommend highly enough (it's been enormously valuable to me, personally).


I don't want to discourage you, I just wanted to make that point clear because I think it's important. But please, feel free to share whatever you are comfortable with and think would be helpful for you to talk about.


As for an actual section, I guess the closest would be the "self knowledge" sub-forum.

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