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May as well get black listed too


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To whom it may concern,             I am new to this forum, presently I am 21 am station in Malmstrom AFB. While working for the government and seeing first had inefficacy and despising the collectives authoritarian subculture I live in and growing skepticism of my religions indoctrination. My political views have altered from main stream republican > Ron Paul republican > moderate libertarian minarchist which I have gotten fairly conferrable with. Due to my new found knowledge of the evils of the central banking system and various other problems. However I find myself very skeptic on the anarchist potion and find it incredible difficult to defend in when talking to the general public. Who most seem to understand and even appetite the libertarian party views  but look at me like I am a rambling mad man when I go full anarchist. Which I have trouble blaming them for.


Anyway luckily there is a large force reduction in the air force and I will soon get to leave and get a slightly  longer leash. Even though my Task Masters tell me I am better of staying in and being forever a indentured servant of war to the state. My friend and room mate has kidney failure and I once I heard I immanently volunteered help him. However I have always been I like to think moderately generous and many of my other friends, family and co-workers tirelessly advise against it because he is pretending to be my friend or something and that I am being exploited. Which I may have taken to heart to fast and now find that everyone is always exploiting me all the time always and have gotten very paranoid about all my "friends" now since many of them sometimes ask me to buy them lunch a lot. Since I seem to be the only person I no the is even OK at saving and investing money. My deep fear of going to debt was the main reason I enlisted in the first place so that I would not have to start my life in debt after college. Now I am not even sure college is worth it though but I feel like I went though a whole lot of suffering for nothing if I do not use the currency, the government stole for me as appreciation for serving them, to go to college.V/R,Thomas Burns

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Hello Thomas,First, I recognize the courage that it takes to come forward & speak. Welcome.Second, I am alarmed that those around you might be using you. You buy your "friends" lunch a lot. Do they return the favors? Do they add value to your life? If you are the only person you know who saves money, that's probably a sign that you're just a resource to be manipulated - which is in keeping with your current employment in the military.As for your roommate with kidney failure... Dude, please tell us more. I mean that. Points about your roommate to clarify (if not for the boards, then at least for yourself):1. Can your roommate support his medical treatment on his own?2. If not, is he capable of taking on debt to pay for the medical expenses? (If he can't, or has no plans to repay the 'lender,' I would caution against paying his medical bills.)

3. Did the kidney failure result from a genetic condition, or is it the result of lifestyle choices? If the later, then has he gotten counseling to avoid relapse? I ask that you not enable another's bad habits. Doing so is harmful to both the enabler & the user.4. If everyone around you is advising against an action, they can probably see something that you can't. I am curious to learn if you have a history of being manipulated. If so, then you might have permitted such manipulation because you were either blind to it, or because it was a familiar, learned behavior. Were you allowed to say, "No," to your primary care-givers / parents? If one can't say, "No," then any response of, "Yes," is meaningless. - David

Edited by David Alan
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Don't buy their meals from them and see if they're still your friends. Be honest about your feelings of being used and see if they're still your friends. The easiest way to tell if somebody is your friend is if you're allowed to be your emotional self in their presence. The moment they try to limit your emotions to provide for theirs, you have your answer.


I think discussing anarchism to minarchists is one of the easier things we have to face. How did they arrive at the conclusion of minarchism? Why doesn't that process also apply to the aggression required to provide whatever that particular minarchist believes aggression is necessary to provide? Anarchism is simply more consistent, whether it's comfortable or not.


I don't think you're going to find much open-mindedness to having no state among people who are dependent on the state.

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Second, I am alarmed that those around you might be using you. You buy your "friends" lunch a lot. Do they return the favors? Do they add value to your life? 


Well like most people I enjoy company from time to time. A few of them our fairly intelligent and I enjoy having conversations with them and I share many common interests with them. I have been recently stopped most of charity case things although it gives me great pain to tell people in need no when I have the ability to help them. Not surprisingly  since I have a politically diverse group of friends the more socialist ones are the most pissed of about this change in character.


1. Can your roommate support his medical treatment on his own?

2. If not, is he capable of taking on debt to pay for the medical expenses? (If he can't, or has no plans to repay the 'lender,' I would caution against paying his medical bills.)

3. Did the kidney failure result from a genetic condition, or is it the result of lifestyle choices? If the later, then has he gotten counseling to avoid relapse? I ask that you not enable another's bad habits. Doing so is harmful to both the enabler & the user.

4. If everyone around you is advising against an action, they can probably see something that you can't.


1. yes he is insured and can pay for it fully ironically he is one of the few that obamacare is helping.

2. N/A

3. It was genetic and no fault of his own. When he was a kid his mother had to give him one. However the this means if I give him a kidney it may also fail in 10 years which is another important factor to consider since unfortunately it.

4. I would like to think most people are just worried about my safety as a friend and a lot don't think it is worth it since there is such a high chance that my kidney will likely last about a decade anyway before he need another one. Since my blood type is O negative my father is worried that if I give one kidney away and my other fails I would be very difficult for me to find a replacement. I need to find better information on the risks of donating a kidney. However from what I can tell the risk it puts on my life is relatively minimal. I like to use my blood type and the ability to give to anyone as an advantage instead of focusing on the negative on only being able to receive from many people.



I am curious to learn if you have a history of being manipulated. If so, then you might have permitted such manipulation because you were either blind to it, or because it was a familiar, learned behavior. 


Were you allowed to say, "No," to your primary care-givers / parents? If one can't say, "No," then any response of, "Yes," is meaningless. 


Your suspicious is mostly current in most cases saying no was not alloyed. It would depend on a few factors though such as my parents current mood, if well are argued against it and how much they wanted me to do it. Oddly enough though when I reached adulthood they instantly let go of the leash. Which left me very clueless as what I should do since I was used to may parents dictating what I do. Now they all of of a sudden only give some advice and often simply say the consequences of each actions and say it's up to me now. I am not sure how to explain this well but the sudden burst of freedom was very odd but also very scary for me and other then my fear of debt was another huge factor in why I ended up going into the military since I had no idea what the hell I was supposed to do if no one was going to tell me what to do. (pathetic I know   :unsure: )



I think discussing anarchism to minarchists is one of the easier things we have to face. How did they arrive at the conclusion of minarchism? Why doesn't that process also apply to the aggression required to provide whatever that particular minarchist believes aggression is necessary to provide? Anarchism is simply more consistent, whether it's comfortable or not.


Even when I was arguing minarchy they still would not take my arguments to heart. They instead were surprised how well I could debate the position and do everything they can to though as many fallacious arguments, stonewall tactics or try to change the subject. For some reason many even political beliefs seems be faith based or something like religion and even if you disprove them completely their position will still not alter at all. They will just be more cautious and avoid political discussions around you. However some of the classic what about the roads? Or how will peoples rights be protected without the state? I cannot argue to well against. Most of the time though apparently to win all you have to do is laugh and state that the position to silly to even both to acknowledge as a position :confused:.


Also, what's up with the thread title? Blacklisted?


It was a bad joke sort of sorry. The CIA as been known to keep lists of potential terrorists for some very absurd things. Defining suspicious activity so loosely that everyone could be black listed. However suspected libertarians and especially anarchists have been on the lists for a while. 





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However some of the classic what about the roads? Or how will peoples rights be protected without the state?


Gosh, I'm hungry. Guess I'll just starve since nobody's pointing a gun at my head to make me eat. People who ask about roads are suggesting that people will not pursue their desires unless somebody forces them to. They will not be able to point out a single decision in their entire life that conforms with this belief.


The second question is like asking how we're going to build a house out of wood without a gigantic fire. The state doesn't protect rights and violates self-ownership in its very establishment.


You could also ask people who ask these questions what would THEY do. Or why it is that they're looking for answers from other people who are not fundamentally different from them. If they erase themselves in favor of somebody who promises to have all the answers, you've identified the problem. It's busy work for you while they cling to and in fact develop a deeper belief in whatever prejudice they have.


Imagine they asked "how will cotton be picked if we do away with slavery?" "I don't care who's going to pick the cotton, slavery is immoral." If you told them that there would be huge machines that ran on crushed dinosaur juice that were so productive that only 3% of the population have to be involved in agriculture, they'd think you were mad. How could you possibly know how the answer would be provided in the future once coercion is out of the picture?

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