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Greetings to all and thanks for existing.


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Just a quick note to say hello and give thanks for existing. I feel powerless alone so am hoping that by joining this group I can make a more substantial contribution to the transition to a world free of slavery, economic or physical. I am a big fan of Riane Eisler's work. (her most well known work : The chalice and the blade and recently : The real wealth of nations, for a caring economics) and have participated in the caring economics leadership program but here in socialist France, there is a much more caring economy than in the barbaric free market system employed in the US. So I font feel very useful in the field here.

So thanks for existing. Looking forward to sharing and contributing. 

Charlotte Yonge. 

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Hello there. I was wondering if you could clarify something...


here in socialist France, there is a much more caring economy than in the barbaric free market system employed in the US.


The word "economy" refers to the sum of human exchange. It isn't capable of behaviors such as caring and being barbaric. As such, I find that "barbaric free market system" is quite the accusation. Especially considering that the US doesn't have a free market system. Public funding with private profits is fascistic. Finally, socialism is internally inconsistent in that it simultaneously accepts and rejects property rights. I'm not sure how something that rejects property rights could be described as caring.


That quote there is an extremely heavy one, riddled with fallacies. I was hoping that some clarification was needed.

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I feel powerless alone


Heya! I have felt that way at times, especially when curiosity becomes idea's, and idea's become philosophies... and philosophies become principles. They begin to gain momentum and pretty soon you find yourself basking in layers of peeled onion - while many that you may interact with daily just don't seem to have any interest in going beyond the outer layer. I hope you find what you're looking for - I am actually new too, so saying 'welcome' might be a bit pretentious on my part :PI find it really interesting (as a US citizen, born and raised) to hear other peoples perceptions of what living in the US is like. Do you mind if I ask what the your general idea of living in America is like, and if that is the main portrayal in French media? (and I don't mean to suggest any form of 'loyalty' here - not in the slightest, genuinely curious!)

I'm not familiar with the works of Raine Eisler's works (by name, and Google overview only), but it sounds like some of the nomenclature you're employing is part of her namesake works (ie, 'caring economy'). 


I'm not sure how something that rejects property rights could be described as caring.


To my naked eye, I also find the rational conflicts in this introduction unsettling, but as a matter for discussion, I would be interested in hearing outright more about the premise behind "The Real Wealth of Nations"... and what the proposition of some of her idea's are. From what I read on Wikipedia (I know I shouldn't admit that! Lol) it sounds very much like the rusty knife of most central-planners, but re-branded with her proprietary cocktail of contemporary Feminism.. but please elaborate and correct me where I'm wrong :) 

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