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Good day my dear freedom lovers!!!!

Tanja B

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My name is Tanja and I currently reside in Indiana. I was born and raised in Bosnia or as formally known  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. I know, you are probably wondering if Socialism is really what is cracked up to be......it most certainly is!! Equal redistribution of misery, irrationality, and superstition. It was such a great idea that engulfed the whole country into civil war. After three years of hell my hometown was "seized" and we fled to neighboring Croatia. Once we knew that we couldn't go back home any time soon "we" (my parents, brother, and I) went to east Germany where we lived in a refugee camp for 51/2 years. At the end of 99' we migrated to USA and attampted to start all over.

Since I was indoctrinated from birth all my convictions, opinions, and values were challenged once I was introduced to Libertarianism. First, it was a shock to my system, but regardless it made more sense then what I was being force fed all my life. I became curious, and had a strong urge to learn and seek out the truth for the first time in my life. I felt as if I was waking up from a life long coma......statist coma indeed.

Once I discovered anarchism and I fully grasped its principals, life suddenly made sense and I understood why I always felt confused and disconnected form society. Today, I am proud to say that I am a recovering Statist/Theist and that I have finally learned how to think!

Thank you Stefan Molyneux for all your hard work, wisdom, and brutal honesty that has helped me to discover myself and brought me closer to reality!  :thanks:


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Welcome, Tanja. I too had a life of never quite fitting in and later finding out that it was because the world was messed up, not me. At least not initially. It being messed up and slave on slave coercion messed me up. Though I didn't have the horror of having to flee my own home. I hope you'll make a topic on that experience alone some time.


I enjoyed your sense of humor by the way  :D


So what areas of philosophy interest you the most? Whereabouts-ish in Indiana are you? You might now be the geographically closest forum member.


What did you consider "brutal honesty"?


Probably vestigial propaganda mentality. I find myself occasionally slipping into such phraseology myself  :ohmy:

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Thank you all for welcoming me. When I said "brutal honesty" I didn't mean it in a negative way. I'm still working on not using negative as positive, it's a hard habit to break.....hope that makes sense. I believe the first time I saw Stefan was in a youtube video, open letter to ......... I can't remember the name, my apologies. Then I subscribed to his youtube channel and found out about the show. I never had interest in philosophy simply because I didn't understand it. First I had to unlearn lifetime of propaganda and brainwashing. Once I started self educating I couldn't stop, I found myself not watching TV anymore at all but reading Rothbard, Rand, Mises, Spooner, Tucker etc. Then, several moths ago I started listening to the show and it really helped me putting it all together and understanding the concept and importance of philosophy.  

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Hey Tanya, really great post. That sounds almost unbelievable what happened in the Eastern Bloc countries, must have been quite an emotional journey for you to start out from pure socialism and come to anarchism. Well done ane hope you get on well :)

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Thank you Philip. What happened there was inevitable. Eastern Europe was plagued by violence and power struggle for centuries. Sadly one concept they never learned or understood was freedom. Even this time no lesson was learned. After the whole county was decimated, millions of people displaced and thousands were killed, people still desired to be ruled. Fighting one form of tyranny just to join another. It's slave mentality! 

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