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Hello !! I present myself

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Hello everyone , I'm from Quebec and it's a great pleasure to be part of this community . It feels like i'm breathing some fresh air , being in this environment change a lot things aboutmy understanding of my surrounding and I would appreciate some great conversation with you guys.Right now i'm still newbie in to the arts world , I'm passionate about drawing and i'm longing to have a connection with another artist so we can grow into our art and self-knowledge.I'm excited just to thought about deep conversation that I can have in this community .- Alex

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How about you [Kevin] ?

Personally, I was shocked, and continue to be shocked at times 5 years later. I think it's the irreverence and the strong opposition to minimizing things that helps shock the truth into me. Shocking how much I wasn't seeing before and yet now in hindsight seems so obvious. Taxation is force? Spanking is immoral? Whoa! How did I not see that before?


The recent gender topics have been a big source of shock for me.


At the same time it seems so natural, like I've always known these things on some level, which is weird on account of how much of it is stuff that no one ever talks about in my daily life, until recently, now that I bring it up.

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Hello Alex. I'm pretty new to freedomainradio and content Stefan offers but it complements other material I'm more familiar with. btw Is Freeman your family name or is it some other reference?

Nice to meet you and Freeman is a reference to something else .
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