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QueechoFeecho says hello good day but not how are you

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Hi All, I'm QueechoFeecho.  I joined the FDR board recently, have posted a little bit and have gone into chat several times, which has largely been a blast.


My interests (in chronological order of how they developed, from oldest to most recent):





interpersonal relationships / social interactions, including within organizations and groups

parentings / childhood



This place is kind of awesome.  Sometimes it can be just as scary as eye-opening to delve into some topics, for example if you realize that your grandmother you thought was a sweetie all these years was in fact manipulative and complicit in child abuse, but you were blinded to it by the collective behavior of your whole extended family. 


Still, knowledge is knowledge, and the topics on FDR help you accomplish what I consider to be one of the most important things a person should learn as they develop: how the world works (and the flipside, how the world does NOT work).


Best wishes to all, I plan on sticking around a bit.

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I like how you listed 'logic' as an interest, but even more so how logic was listed after politics. It's like you went through the hellish quagmire of politics and said "Wtf is this?,  ima get me some of dat logic stuff because this shiz makey no sense."

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