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Trying to unscramble my brain!


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I've been following Stefan for almost a year now on facebook and youtube.  I think its time for me to take a more active part in this community.  I am seeking knowledge in all aspects of life.


I'm 26, male, living with my boyfriend and 2 roomates.  I am currently looking to start my own business or business venture.  I have recently returned to college after leaving a dead-end job after 3 years.


A bit about myself.  I was spanked as a child. I was yelled and screamed at and called names by my parents.  I was told that being a catholic is the only thing I was brought into this world for and I should rejoice in misery and suffering.  If I didn't comply I would burn in hell forevermore and all the nonesense that goes along with the compassionate religion of Catholicism.Needless to say, I need to retrain my brain, reform my logic, and my life.  I have lots of questions and I hope to learn alot from this community.  I'm committed to living a peaceful life and greatly desire to live in a world that is ruled only by, personal responsibilty, volenteerism, and emperical truths. 


I'm just starting to wake up from living in wonderland for 22 years and really would like to live in a sane world.

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