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G'Day from OzTrailYa

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Firstly i would like the thank Stefan and anyone involved with FDR, and Everyone here.


Why am i here?, because i believed there is a better way than how things are currently being done atm, i felt all too often those around

me were far more interested in the color of Brad Pitts underwear for today or meaningless sports team news, i've always felt if people paid

as much interest in political "teams" as they did with sports then society would be in a far better position. 


I don't agree to the use violence in any form, i have always felt communication can overcome any obstacle and truth above all else can make

things far better for all involved.


Am i an angel -- not at all, do i make mistakes -- i sure do, am i willing to change -- i know its needed  and i  work to understand and better myself for

everyone involved, am i willing to stand up for what i believe is right -- that's why i'm here 


I hoped to meet others who wanted to make change happen and let those around us know there is a better way if we all can pause for a look or 

are willing to have a really "good think" and discussion about things,  i hope for a future that will look back and see i/we did not agree how things

are today and i/we stood up to be counted as those willing to be and do what was needed for change to happen in the best possible way i/we had

available, to think, share and express what we feel will make things how i/we believe they should be. 


Well i need to set the coordinates for the next "star jump" , will be looking forward to communicating and learning for as many here as i get to

read, meet and hear from...


Be Well,



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