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Creating a PC gaming community within FDR


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I'm really interested in getting a group of free thinking PC video game players together. 


It would be really helpful if people interested could post what games they are playing. If we can get enough people playing the same games together I'd really like to get some organized gaming events going. 


What I'm really hoping for is to get some DOTA2 players  :D

The game is entirely free, highly competitive and completely skill based. I'm more than willing to teach anyone new to the game the ropes. 


Add me on steam: "Some Type of Badass"


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Although I play a lot of games, I think Sid Meier's Civilization V is a game all of us would appreciate. Anyone have that?


I do have Civ V but I never really got into multiplier. The games take so looooooong. 

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If you're into MMOFPS check out Planetside2.This is the biggest.Free To Play. 3 Factions,organized outfits,massive battles.Awesome Devs and Awsome Community.It's been on PC for over a year and coming soon to PS4.


Look me up-(ShooterMcGavin/Connery NC)

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Crusader Kings II (highly recommended)

     Feudal simulator that is a cross between D&D-like character role-playing and Civilization-like strategy with a historical focus (there's also built-in Wikipedia links to historical figures if your in to history and stuff like me  :rolleyes: ).


Europa Universalis IV (highly recommended)

     Similar to Crusader Kings II, but with more of an economic and national focus during the Age of Exploration.


Civilization V

     More accessible to new players, and it looks like we have a few experienced players already.  :)


Total War Series

     Primarily battle-specific strategy focus.


DOTA2/League of Legends

     Free to play and fast-paced co-op play.


Steam ID: luxfelix  ;)

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I am going to throw in the existing thread on Hearthstone in here for some cross-pollination




Hearthstone is a mostly casual Digital CCG that is free to play, you only need to pay if you enjoy the game or wish to progress faster, so I recommend people trying it out.




Even if you aren't normally a PC gamer, some modes are casual enough that you could get into this game anyway.


My Battletag is Snipes777#1449


If you could let me know that you added me from here, either by sending a pm on FDR (or if the system allows you to add an explanation to the friend request) itll help me know where you came from!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is great.


I'm 17 In England, I'm currently playing Hearthstone, Payday 2, Cs:go and occasionally Civ (pirated but I'll buy it next sale), I really don't like Moba's the only game I can play competitively (and enjoy it) is hearthstone.


I use a x31 headset so I basically don't have a mic for pc, sorry.


Very excited for gta v on pc and Civ: beyond earth.




Battle.net id = RaPiiD38#2802 (it's an old xbox name so I just use this, easy to remember)

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I play UberStrike - Free to play browser-based first person shooter


This is an indie outfit.  It was originally designed ~2006 for the young (actual player ages predictably include young, but many are well into middle age and I'm one of the seniors…who is deadly) so no gore or decapitations, but great rag doll effects.  No killer zombies, captured UN princesses, surprise dragons, or any plot at all.  It is pure skill, and NO MERCY!!!  


It was Facebook's #1 game a couple years ago, and a home game blogger I stumbled upon, who wrote paragraphs about other mainstream games, only had this to say:  "I heard about UberStrike.  I tried it but had to leave after a short while because I couldn't survive it."  A game reviewer couldn't survive it…hmmm.  


A pull quote from a major online game magazine, can't recall which, said something like it "was what gamers were really looking for."  Great weapon selection, including both fantasy weapons, and real world items such as AK-47, M4A1, Uzi, SIG 552, and AWP sniper rifle.  Costumesto the extent you can even see them whizzing by at high movement speeds...are quite fun, and add varying armor value.  I use little armor, so I win on reflexes.


Players from 60+ countries, and huge skill sets show up, and if you think you are a good online shooter now, just try your hand and really see.  


One forum poster said the forums were the most intelligent he'd seen.


A year or so ago, they did a game upgrade…they're good in general at this…and it somehow had a HUGE bug: it took many minutes to enter a game (we're talking go make dinner).  Some kind of server bug I guess.  Yet, against that, many of us stuck with it, until it was fixed many weeks later.  So what is the appeal, that we'd wait huge times to still play?  Must be something special….

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