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Hello everyone,


I'm Olivia from Maryland in the USA.  I'm a 35 year old software architect and open water swimmer.


I come from an actually decent family -- my parents are still married after almost 40 years, were not ones  to spank or hit ever, and raised me to value independence, effective work, taking personal responsibility and education.  My father was a software designer and architect -- though I had majored in English and had ideas of a more artistic life, it seems it was in my DNA and by my mid-20's, I was happy to admit I had far more fun working on machines than I did doing just about anything else, aside from swimming.  My mother was a stay-at-home mom when I was little, and later worked for charities and symphonies as a development director when my sister I were older.    While my parents and I had our disagreements when I was a teenager and rebellious, we are still close.    I'm also close with my sister.


I've never had children of my own since my biological clock never turned on and, for a variety of reasons, probably couldn't have them if I wanted to.  I've been very fortunate to find a very smart, wonderful man who is a single dad with two children and is not interested in having more children.  Rather than finding just one person to love, when I met him I found three.  


Came across Stefan's YouTube's videos when, after the Isla Vista shootings and the #yesallwomen stuff came up.  I'd always considered myself a feminist.  My mom considered herself a feminist because she believed that being a woman, caring for children and having "feminine" traits is not a character flaw.  My dad was far more interested in teaching his daughters how to code and change the oil in their cars than calling them princesses and daddy's little girl (even typing it kind of makes me want to wretch).  However, reading that stuff, I got kind of annoyed.  This wasn't the feminism I was raised with, which said that women grew up to be adults just like men with the same rights and the same responsibilities as a man.  I grew up with the idea that women could learn just as well as a man, and as an adult, they could meet the same standard and be held to the same standard.  


Somehow, it seemed like feminism turned into a bunch of grown women infantilizing themselves and blaming men -- most of whom have less social power than the women do -- for everything.   No one was talking about women having the ability to stand up for themselves, take responsibility for mistakes and credit for accomplishments, except for places like FDR and people like Stefan.  


Always one to care more about the content than the label, I figured if the "misogynists" were treating women like full human adults and the "feminists" were treating women like children, I'd switch camps to the "misogynists".  Also have really enjoyed Stefan's views on the state and the whole philosophy UPP.  So glad I found this place.  

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Welcome to the community Matisyra. That is a fantastic introduction post. I really share your sentiments on men and women sharing the same rights, responsibilities and standards.


I look forward to hearing more from you on the forum. For now I'll say it's lovely to have you here :)

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Excellent. You'll get your honorary hooded robe and copy of 'The book of Stef' shortly after the initiation ceremony. Please don't share the map to the hidden compound, we've had a few.... unpleasant visitors recently.


Yes, heartbreaking really -- such a shame...  :sleep:

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