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Dzień dobry from Poland


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Hello my name is Bartosz Kielar. I watching Freedomainradio from several months, but just recently decide to register on this forum.Like some of you notice I'm from Poland and Dzień dobry means Good morning.And add this point I have no Idea what else write. I have problems meeting new people.

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I just joined the forum myself. I have been listening for a few months. 

Welcome to the forum, I look forward to all the wonderful conversations ahead!

I worked with some Polish men a few years ago and the only Polish I learned was spokojnie!

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Witamy! Yak tam Bortasz? Jakos mi sie nie udaje muvic po polsku. Nie mam szacy czesto pisac po polsku.


Hope you like what you see here. Stefan has lots of great advice on just about everything. The community is wonderful here, I highly recommend mingling.

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