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Hello everybody. My name is Brandon. I think this is my third time indroducing myself. I have a hard time getting thoughts out through typing so I have a hard time sticking around on forums. Anywho, I really want to get to know people in the movement, so here I am. I'm looking forward to great conversations.

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Hi Brandon. Hello, Hello, Hello.


Where are you located?


I'm curious how you can to the idea that you have trouble getting your thoughts out through typing. What is the experience of writing like for you? Do you write something then feel like it doesn't explain what you were trying to say?

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Ayo Brandon!


I struggle with the same sort of  problem. I think i have pinpointed it down to my difficulties learning grammar in public education. So what should be automatic, now It has become a conscious chore to be constantly self critical of sentence structure, spelling and how what I am saying doesn't come across wrong.


I found this book called The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, where she advocates  writing 2 pages every morning of anything that comes to mind to kindle creativity. It could be one run on sentence, fragmented sentences, random ideas, feelings and dreams  as long as you stick to it as a daily exercise.  The book is more of a 12 week course than a reading book. It is mostly centered around helping you get in touch of your creative abilities and has a lot of other challenging exercises in it as well.


I hope this helps. Tripple welcome to the forums!

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I think its just the result of years of not writing anything. Its a habit I should really get into. When I get in front of a keyboard... I don't know, I over think things? Also my hands can't keep up with my thoughts.

Hi Brandon!  We are here, we see you....we hear you.  Stick around, how can we help?  


Ayo Brandon!


I struggle with the same sort of  problem. I think i have pinpointed it down to my difficulties learning grammar in public education. So what should be automatic, now It has become a conscious chore to be constantly self critical of sentence structure, spelling and how what I am saying doesn't come across wrong.


I found this book called The Artists Way by Julia Cameron, where she advocates  writing 2 pages every morning of anything that comes to mind to kindle creativity. It could be one run on sentence, fragmented sentences, random ideas, feelings and dreams  as long as you stick to it as a daily exercise.  The book is more of a 12 week course than a reading book. It is mostly centered around helping you get in touch of your creative abilities and has a lot of other challenging exercises in it as well.


I hope this helps. Tripple welcome to the forums!

Thanks. Its good to know there are  people around to talk to.

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