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Hi from Edmonton


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Hi, my name is Adam,


I first came upon FDR 7 or 8 years ago - however I focused only on the political subjects and for one reason or another drifted away from it.  A few months ago, the video "The Truth about Elliot Rodger" received a lot of views on Youtube, came up early in the searches, and that was how I re-discovered FDR.  Really, it was just by chance, which is kind of scary to think of now.  I've spent the last couple of months delving into many of the videos/podcasts on the personal topics and man it's been awfully profound.  I'm sure others have had a similar experience, but it flips almost everything you thought you knew about your life on its head.  I have made some very important realizations about myself, my past, and where I'm headed - some of it is pretty difficult and leaves your mind kind of scrambled, not sure how to proceed.


It's very energizing too.  I find, when listening to the podcasts, that a lot of the ideas really click and I feel that deep down I always knew that they were true - but that part of me was so clouded over by my history, what I was taught, the false self I guess you would say, that I never could acknowledge it consciously.  I have always been skeptical by nature - not sure where it came from because the people I've spent most of my time with certainly aren't.  The back and forth between my true self recoiling at the lack of foundation for so much of what people generally take as a given, and my false self wanting to conform - has worn on me for a long time.  I can see now that I've been taking the completely wrong approach - trying to change to fit in and being a phony rather than being myself, being honest. 


It shakes you up, but I'm really glad I re-discovered FDR.  I don't think I would ever be truly happy or satisfied with life if I continued down the path I was on.  I'm lucky in that my true self has stayed strong enough through all my experiences so far that I've never been able to feel comfortable conforming and letting the truth slide when it's convenient.  I certainly have not always acted in accordance with the truth, but always have felt the hypocrisy when doing so.  I want to live a life of principles and actually connect with some people instead of going along to get along and continuing relationships to which there really isn't any actual substance.


I've been out to a couple of meet-ups here in town.  It's really nice to interact with people who share similar values and are interested in philosophy.  I hope too that I can contribute to some of the discussions here on the board.  I'm making a lot of changes in my life.  There's still lots to do and figure out, but I'm very excited about where it may lead.  Life's too short to do otherwise, I think I've wasted enough time already!



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Welcome Adam,


My name is Scott, and I am just a few hours south of you in Calgary.


I feel like I could of wrote this paragraph word for word.


It shakes you up, but I'm really glad I re-discovered FDR.  I don't think I would ever be truly happy or satisfied with life if I continued down the path I was on.  I'm lucky in that my true self has stayed strong enough through all my experiences so far that I've never been able to feel comfortable conforming and letting the truth slide when it's convenient.  I certainly have not always acted in accordance with the truth, but always have felt the hypocrisy when doing so.  I want to live a life of principles and actually connect with some people instead of going along to get along and continuing relationships to which there really isn't any actual substance.


Perhaps the next time I am in Edmonton i'll see if any meetups are comming up a join the group. I think you have a bit larger group anyway.

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That's really great to hear Adam! Welcome to the boards :)


I can very much relate to wanting to conform, ...and pretty much your whole post. Very well said.


What was it like for you discovering the more personal topics? Was there something drawing you in to watch those videos?


What are some podcasts that have had an impact on you that you think are worth checking out?

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