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new guy from New Jersey


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Heya rayamato1!


I have a few questions for you. First some more introductory ones and then a personal one:


- How'd you come across the show?

- What attracted you to the show?

- Did you have a lightbulb moment that made you realize there was some real value in philosophy? If so, tell me about it.


- Why has your friend count dwindled down to zero?

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Heya rayamato1!


I have a few questions for you. First some more introductory ones and then a personal one:


- How'd you come across the show?

- What attracted you to the show?

- Did you have a lightbulb moment that made you realize there was some real value in philosophy? If so, tell me about it.


- Why has your friend count dwindled down to zero?


- I stumbled on the youtube channel maybe a year and a half to two years ago. It was suggested to me because I already followed guys like Elliott Hulse and the under21convention. I also am subbed to some political channels like TYT, RT and Alex jones along with some less known names. I also watched a lot of Patrice O'Neil videos. I first decided to donate after watching "how a mans heart is murdered". For some reason that show really resonated with me. 


- I was attracted to the show because I grew up without a male role model and have always felt lost. I gravitate to any older man who seems to have more wisdom than me. Usually that means youtube channels and podcasts. I also listen to the JRE but I knew about Stefan before he went on Joe's show. 


- I think I realized the value of philosophy back in high school a year or so before I discovered FDR. It was sophomore year where I smoked a ton of weed and was constantly questioning reality. I naturally over think things and weed put it into overdrive. After 9 months of smoking every day I quit due to panic attacks.


- I had only a couple friends in high school and when they went off to college I stayed in my hometown with nobody. I only see them a grand total of maybe 3 or 4 days a year and can feel the relationships slipping away. One of my friends went to school in Canada and this year he's studying in the UK. I haven't been able to make any new friends for reasons I don't know. People seem to like me at first but once they get to know me get annoyed. Every time I try to make plans with anybody, they flake on me or just ignore my texts all together.

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