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Greetings from DFW, TX

Free Will

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Hi Everyone!


I'm a 24 year old gun shootin, poker playin, FDR listening son of a bitch from Texas.

I found Stefan's work on youtube after watching this Alex Jones interview he did a while ago..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNGHRw4kBK4


Since then for about three years I watched almost every one of Stef's YT videos. The content totally changed my life and where I was taking it for the better. I have eternal gratitude to Stef and everyone who made the listener conversations possible.

I was first drawn in because of my confirmation bias. I thought that his thoughts and arguments regarding politics and economics were simialr to mine, until I bagan to really listen.

I changed my conclusion from minarchy to anarchy because of his concise moral arguments.

Later and More importantly, I analyzed my relationship with my parents and came to the very painful but very very enlightening conclusion that there isn't one. Its just unhealthy attachment and codependency on the part of my mother, and complete self erasure on my part when I interact with my father. This conclusion though very painful has helped me tremendously in the long term.

With this realization came the correlated fact that 99% of my voluntary friendships were either manifestations of unprocessed prior trauma or simply mutually beneficial but not deep and meaningful.


I joined to talk with real people who don't lie as a matter of policy. To help and perhaps receive help in matters of self knowledge, relationships, and poker. Although I don't expect to encounter too many degenerate gamblers like me on here.jk  ; )


Im not sure if I left out any relavent info that I should have included. And at the same time I feel like I have been too forthcoming.

If anyone has any question please ask.


And again THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! to Stefan and everyone who has courageously called in to talk about their childhood trauma and/or adult relationships. Those conversations helped and continue to help me immensely with self knowledge and to analyze my own relationships.

See you in the Forums!

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Hi Tree Frog!


I was actually inspired to join the forum after reading yours and another members introduction from dallas. So its great to see ya!


I'm Smack dab in the middle man. would rather not be too specific.But honestly, I roam all over the map...we have probably crossed paths before.

Do your parents listen to FDR?

You said you were interested in hunting. thats cool...have you done any firearms combat training?

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My parents actually don't, they listen to things like "The Blaze" or Mark Levin. They are Libertarians but still believe that the state should exist in some way. 


I have taken a self defense course at our gun club for handguns. They just built a CQ range for tactical training with AR-15 and handgun. I want to try that out soon. I have been trying to train myself with the AR but its been very difficult. Its not an easy gun to shoot like the media says. 

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Wow dude you're awesome..and somewhat lucky I suppose to have libertarian parents. Most people dont properly prepare themselves for self defense after purchasing a weapon so my hats off to you for getting some training. I assume you don't own any handguns but do you have a prefered brand or model to shoot? I personally carry a G19 everyday and a .40 cal Glock sometimes as a backup. What do you find most difficult to operate about the AR? For me, charging the weapon without a tactical latch added to the charging handle makes it much more cumbersome to operate quickly.

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Actually we do own a Glock 17. I really enjoy shooting it. 


My AR is just the standard XM-15 Bushmaster with Magpul folding sights, no tactical attachments or advanced sights. I think the iron sight on the rifle is what is hard for me because I do a lot of bench rest shooting and hunting with scoped fire arms. Its just a new learning curve I suppose. Do you do any clay shooting?

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