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Hello From Scotland


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Hello Everyone


I'm Euan, a 25 year old studying History and Politics in Glasgow, Scotland.


I'v been listening to FDR for about a year and a half now; I wasn't new to Libertarianism, but was relatively new to Anarcho-Capitalism and the psychological aspect of things and am grateful for the insight.


Anyway I'v decided to finally become a subscriber and become active on the boards, so I look forward to interacting with my fellow philosophers and seeing what I can contribute to the conversation. :)


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Hey Euan, welcome to the board! Always happy to see new UK members.  :D


I also studied History and Politics at uni a couple of years ago, how're you finding it?

I'm only just entering the second year year. The first year was enjoyable, but I didn't actually learn much (mostly old news to me). I'm hoping / expecting the second year will be more challenging. Thanks for asking. 

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What kind of history are you studying? Got any recommendations on good literature?


Economic and Social History (ESH). So far as recommendations are concerned it depends precisely what you mean. If your looking for the sort of stuff that they recommend for reading material then I could pass along my reading list.


If you mean stuff that I would recommend on the subject then yes, I 'v got loads of recommendations. :) 


Of hand 'The Creature From Jekyll Island' by G Edward Griffin and 'For Good and Evil' by Charles Adams both come to mind.










If you want more recommendations then name the subject and I'll see what I can do. :thumbsup:


Are you studying history as well?

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EuanM, not studying exactly, I am just discovering I have an increasing interest in history. Lately I have been reading up on the various political and otherwise influences on WWI and the subsequent wars. Although I am still fairly new to the subject, what I have read indicates to me that without WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and possibly even Korea/Vietnam would not have happened either. It just seems like a long list of dominoes that all fell together perfectly to keep the wars going. But what the hell do I know, I aint' done none of that thar fancy college stujyin. ;) I guess I am just fascinated (in a morbid kind of way) how elegantly the powers and governments of the world have fucked things up in the past, and how that reaches forward into the present in so many ways.

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EuanM, not studying exactly, I am just discovering I have an increasing interest in history. Lately I have been reading up on the various political and otherwise influences on WWI and the subsequent wars. Although I am still fairly new to the subject, what I have read indicates to me that without WWI, WWII, the Cold War, and possibly even Korea/Vietnam would not have happened either. It just seems like a long list of dominoes that all fell together perfectly to keep the wars going. But what the hell do I know, I aint' done none of that thar fancy college stujyin. ;) I guess I am just fascinated (in a morbid kind of way) how elegantly the powers and governments of the world have fucked things up in the past, and how that reaches forward into the present in so many ways.


In that case I strongly recommend 'Creature'. :)

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