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Greetings from Massachusetts


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Hello all,


I have known of Stefan for some time now, but not until this summer did I really delve into his works and begin to appreciate them. I surely wish that I had done so sooner, because they are really quite fantastic - especially his books, one of which (RTR) I have already read. The ideas contained therein are pretty revolutionary to put it lightly, and implementing them in my own life has brought about some serious change. I previously suffered from some rather serious panic attacks which I now realize were brought about largely due to an aversion to confront important issues in my life and relationships with others head on - these attacks are now almost entirely gone, and I have the book and the theories within to thank for it.


I am working on his two other books now, and am about halfway through UPB. I figure I should mention that I agree entirely with Stef's ideas re: government, peaceful parenting, and the whole bit. I don't think I could get this far and not succumb to cognitive dissonance if I didn't, but I figured I'd throw that in there.


I come here with an open mind and a humble heart, and seek to learn as much as I can.


It'll certainly be a pleasure getting to know you all, and I appreciate you taking the time to read this!


Respectfully yours,



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Hi Alex!


Welcome to the boards :)


That's awesome that applying RTR in your life has helped you out so much. What is it about RTR, do you think, that helped you to come to these realizations and take action?


Thanks Kevin :)


I couldn't even begin to explain how many ways it has helped me, but the idea concerning constant, real-time relaying of emotions was one of the best things I took away from the book. I had never really heard anyone give advice like that. I also took his advice and enrolled myself in therapy; I journal prolifically already, and it only made my ability to self-analyze that much more keen.

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I couldn't even begin to explain how many ways it has helped me, but the idea concerning constant, real-time relaying of emotions was one of the best things I took away from the book. I had never really heard anyone give advice like that. I also took his advice and enrolled myself in therapy; I journal prolifically already, and it only made my ability to self-analyze that much more keen.

I'm very glad to hear it :)

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