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Hi from small tax farm


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Hi FDR'rrers! I'm from the state/farm named 'The Netherlands' and i'd like to be free. Guess i came to the right place didn't i.I'm spending loads of free time watching Stefan on Youtube to reverse engineer my leftist brain. I feel my de-compilation is close to complete. The only thing i'm really sad to realize is that the methods from 'the anarchist cookbook' actually violate 'the anarchist NAP' ;)I am male, 30+, no kids. I'd like to contribute to FDR some way but unfortunately i am significantly slowed down;My income depends on physical labor that leaves me with very little spare time or money. Yes, i've tried other kinds of work but a desk job just doesn't seem to work well for me. Basically i turn into a desk-zombie, that is, sleeping with my eyes open. Which is kindof a shame cos i did sit in school/uni until 23, which i actually chose not to finish (see aforementioned reason).Unfortunately at work it's kinda hard to find an intellectual connection. Not that i'm trying very hard cos you know.. not very practical to be ostracized there. So i did try to make a strong impact on another forum, the most popular dutch forum for preppers:

http://preppers.nl/forum/threads/10726-Anarchie-na-SHTFNobody replied, perhaps i came on too strongly :)Still, i like the style of directly confronting people's beliefs in the hope of getting them curious. Perhaps i will print some A4's with all kinds of short-but-powerful texts and spread them through town.Especially around voting time: "XXX - do not vote - learn more on freedomainradio.com"Where XXX = "Democracy attracts criminals to power", "Governments fight wars - civilians always pay", "The state is a farm where you are the cow", "Voting is begging for your money back",...I love the book Practical Anarchy and tried to "sell" it to some family. Not much success so far, i did notice the first 25-30 pages are quite abstract which may be a hard intro to newcomers. But i adore the general down-to-earth-practical-style further in the book.Cheers ttyl 

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Hi LaForge, not here long myself. Having been to the Netherlands a couple times and being from the USS-EU myself also, I can empathise. I had a lecturer from the Netherlands also and I spent the entire 3 years disagreeing with the socialist version of the curriculum we had. It was all veered towards "the good for the greatest number of people". Drove me nuts.

Anyway, that's my rant quota for today,

Welcome brother!!!

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Hey thanks!The drugs thing is complicated over here, it's illegal but theres a "toleration policy" to grow upto 5 plants in your home. You're free to consume at home or in a "coffee shop". Only the shops with a special mayor's permit can sell it.And so another monopoly is created.Oh and theres plans to create a nationwide "weed-passport" to block all foreigners from using --___-- 

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