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Hello from Florida.


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Quick intro. My name is Bryan and I'm am a truck driver, for now, from Florida. I am driving to earn enough money to go to Paramedic school. I realize health care is screwed, but I love anatomy, physiology, biology, and chemistry too much to stay away. Used to be an EMT and a Nurse Aide but had my ambition slaughtered at 21 by Zen Buddhism. Now at 26 Stef's work, along with a very healthy dose of Ayn Rand, has reawakened my ambition. Medic school is in August.


As a truck driver I have WAY more time than I want sitting doing nothing, so I listen to Stef's podcasts, The Fountainhead for the 5th time, and lectures on medicine. That being said, I realize this is my first post, so this may be borderline creepy for some, but if anyone wants to chat over the phone about Anarchy, Economics, Peaceful Parenting, etc etc, send me a message. I have a Bluetooth, so it's not dangerous or State goon provoking (illegal.)


Glad to be in the forum.

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Hey Bryan glad you have decided to join us here on the forum. My name is Presley and it's nice to meet you. I actually am from Florida myself. The forums are definitely a good place to talk about ideas. I've only recently began posting myself and I've had some really fun debates and conversations. I hope you can enjoy the forums as much as I have.

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Thank you for the welcomes.


Zen and other mystic philosophies, contain a very large dose of "ambition poison." Things like "No Mind, The Ideal Useless Man, Purposelessness, No Preference etc" and all of the koans and the whole preoccupation with nonsensical puzzles and existential riddles.


He whole philosophy seems designed to kill ambition, paralyze judgment, and convince one of the meaninglessness of life.


I'm aware that this is not an argument. I haven't proven anything. These are just my thoughts and my experiences with Zen and I did practice earnestly for 3 years or so, and still on occasion, practice meditation which I find very useful.


Zen DOES have some good elements and practices, but I have found it very hard to separate the "food from the poison." Stef recently made a video about Christianity with a listener and discussed that if the Bible is "half truth and half lies" that would be worse than if it were all true or all false, because when its half and half you don't know which will get you to heaven and which is loss and sends you to hell.


Zen is similar. It has its merits, but its so bound up with a lot of harmful nonsense, that I think one is better off just leaving it alone.


Just my. 02



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