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I Am Ravate, Let's Get Started.


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Hello, I am Ravate.

First a bit about myself and my history.

I am a stalwart ENTP for those among you who care about personality. I am also a very avid supporter of charity, and benevolence for those among you who care about character.

For those of you who care about politics, I do not fancy any political party, rather I consider myself to be an idealist who believes in what is just and true.

I am a gracious American citizen, who values and appreciates the opportunities granted by my birth into this country. However I am concerned by the path of those in power over us, and I do mean over us for while America is free nation, they have power over us. Therefore what is free is defined by them, so that they may control or utterly annihilate those who are a threat to the system they built.

Such is one reason why I do not follow any political party.


I am a deeply religious man, who values ethics and who respects the path of all men, whether or not our opinions meet is irrelevant for people are people in my eyes. I honor traditions, yet do not let them define who I am, I carve my path through my decisions and so far I have done very well. I view life through many perspectives as to not lose my train of thought, it also helps me to appreciate all things in life to the best of my ability. Therefore I believe it has made me a happier man.


I am a direct enemy to intolerance, racism, hate, violence, slavery, and the support of it. I am also a enemy to those who try to stop human progress, and scientific truth. I fully support reason, logic, and cultural growth, and I have often helped show others around me what a boon they can be in a community. I believe in the goodness of all men, and I am forgiving, for I believe those who we call evil have once been just as repulsed by the actions they now commit as we are now. I think all they need is a new perspective, and they would stop in their tracks and cry for what they have done, and are doing. It is a matter of getting to that point, that is the struggle we face, well at least I do. Now some more about my history.


I have been a intuitive thinker since my earliest childhood, I have always strived to find a new way to a goal, what can I say I like to make my own path rather than trusting the system. I am quick to admit my mistakes, for I realized long ago that truth is progress, and it is just not wise to hold onto a false ideal. Loyalty is important to me, I can grow to be loyal to almost a foolish degree, for it is just who I am, overly trusting. I can quite honestly state that it is a fantastic quality when trying to make friends fast, but it is the opposite when trying to judge the character of those people. All it took was one mistake to shatter that sense of loyalty, and it was a grave mistake indeed, leading ultimately to the imprisonment of that person for his actions, need I say more?  However it has made me a little wiser for the ware, and for that I am grateful.


Anyway, that's enough about me for now. I do so look forward to meeting you all, this will be quite beneficial for all of us I should think, Good day. -Ravate.

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Hi Ravate!


I appreciate your unique perspective and would like to ask some clarifying questions if you're up for it :)


Have you considered anarchism? You don't align with any political parties, but it's unclear if you support political action as a means to achieve social change. I now consider myself an anarchist as a result of considering the arguments put forward through the show.


Practical Anarchy and Everyday Anarchy are books Stef wrote which are quite good. I highly recommend them if you're interested.


You mention that you believe "in the goodness of all men, and I am forgiving" and then later mention that you "can grow to be loyal to almost a foolish degree, for it is just who [you are]". Perhaps it's just cynicism on my part, but do you think that these two things could be related? You said that "I think all they need is a new perspective, and they would stop in their tracks and cry for what they have done, and are doing", but have you been able to achieve this with people? I've tried and was unable to, unfortunately. I've become less hopeful in dealing with people's false selves.


Also, I don't know the reason, but I feel compelled to share with you this podcast:

FDR70 How to control a human soul



Welcome to the boards :)

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I would not classify myself as Anarchist, however I see what you mean. It is true that I share certain ideals with Anarchy, but I can say the same for most other ideologies.

To your question



You mention that you believe "in the goodness of all men, and I am forgiving" and then later mention that you "can grow to be loyal to almost a foolish degree, for it is just who [you are]". Perhaps it's just cynicism on my part, but do you think that these two things could be related?


They are indeed related, however they have developed separately. Both can similarly affect the other, but they were not cultivated as such. My loyalty has been tempered from compulsion, to choice. Now I am far more in control of myself, then I was when I became utterly devoted to certain people, later to be branded as idiots.

Thank you Kevin, for your warm welcome.

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Because it is my belief that a ungoverned people would fall into chaos. Not like a civil war, but rather as a moral war. The good, who naturally want to do and be good, and the wicked who abuse that natural goodness.

No I do not believe in total anarchy. Rather I believe in a very small controlled government, not meant to make or enforce laws. But rather to safeguard the harmony no government would cause, without the threat of chaos to ensue.


I believe that the people could run a society by themselves, if there was such a small government just to hold them accountable for their own actions. For I just do not see how a numerous population could exist in peace by themselves, violence would break out because people have a natural curse of being unable to make opinions meet. I agree saying leave the people alone, to make their own path, you might say there would be those in such a society who would act as a kind of militia to keep the peace, bounty hunters or what you will. But there is no limit to the corruption power can imbue. No, I do not believe in a perfect Anarchy.


I hope I am being clear, please indicate otherwise if I am not and I will clarify, Thank you.

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Thanks for the reply!


I think that's a very reasonable concern about anarchism, to be sure, but I just wanted to make a quick correction and invite you to check out some stateless alternatives to the police and the justice system.


The correction is that, actually, anarchists (at least anarcho-capitalists, anyway) are not opposed to rules and authority. That is to say that we would not be "ungoverned". Anarchy doesn't mean there are no rules, just "no rulers" (near literal translation).


The first two podcasts in the stream address this concern very well in my opinion. It's not sufficient to prove anarchism, but it's great for thinking about how a stateless society might work. The solutions being very counterintuitive, which you would expect when we grow up with so much government propaganda about how government stopped racism and the two party system represents a substantive differences and that we're spreading democracy all over the world, and all of that. Which I'm sure you'd mostly agree with is blatant propaganda.


FDR1 The Stateless Society - An Examination of Alternatives



FDR2 Caging the Devils: The Stateless Society and Violent Crime



Please check them out! :)

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Agreed, it was nice meeting you as well Lee.


I also would agree with your statement here.


The solutions being very counterintuitive, which you would expect when we grow up with so much government propaganda about how government stopped racism and the two party system represents a substantive differences and that we're spreading democracy all over the world, and all of that. Which I'm sure you'd mostly agree with is blatant propaganda.


This is quite true, and I watched the podcasts they do clarify the definition of Anarchy very well.

Thank you for correcting me,

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