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Hello, I'm 18 and I discovered Stef's show by accident about a year ago. A year before that I discovered Ron Paul during the 2012 election, and that's what got me interested in politics and libertarianism. So now I'm an anarchist, and I feel like I'm the only one within a 500 mile radius of where I live. So my question is, are there any other anarchists in Idaho?

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Hi Dug!


Welcome to the boards.


What was the first video that you watched? There are so many different topics raised that it's always interesting to hear how people became interested in the show, or more importantly, in philosophy. I'd love to hear more if you felt like sharing :)


I don't know about Idaho, sorry :(

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So now I'm an anarchist, and I feel like I'm the only one within a 500 mile radius of where I live.

I don't mean to discourage you or scare you away, but you'll have to get used to that! We are very lonely people indeed. I thought I was the only person in all of Belgium who is even aware of the concepts of ancapism/voluntaryism. Then, Stef organized a little meetup in Amsterdam. There I was delighted to see 2 other Belgians who share my beliefs. Yes, only 2... this is why it's so essential to remain close-knit.


As for a place to start looking (besides this forum), here's a suggestion off the top of my head: http://liberty.me/. It's a website by Jeffrey Tucker, precisely for the purpose of creating an online community for liberty-minded people. Perhaps you'll find some people of close proximity over there?

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The first Stefan Molyneux video I saw was Jon Stewart's 19 questions for libertarians... My favorite video is "Only the dead have seen the end of war.." And yea Jeffrey Tucker has also influenced me so I'm probably going to join liberty.me.

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The John Stewart video was the one I introduced my friend to the show with. It's a great one. And I don't remember the other video you mentioned. I'll have to check it out :)


And while it is definitely true that a lot of people in the community are alone and/or isolated, I don't think it has to be that way. I video / audio conference with people from the community on a regular basis and find it super valuable and enjoyable, and I try and persistently pester the people in my life with discussion about these topics, despite the occasional protest.

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