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Magnesium- has it the potential to save us?


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Hello everyone! I have been trying for ages to be a better parent. Despite my best attempts and an improved situation, I was incredibly depressed.  I would go through the motions. I agree with Steph on many topics, so it was distressing that I didn't feel better and couldn't behave the way I wanted or will myself to feel the way I wanted. I'd like to refer anyone to some of my thoughts on the subject.




I believe everyone is magnesium deficient. I'd like some more scientific minds to chime in on this subject with me. I started taking epsom salt baths (magnesium sulfate) on the 17th of December. COMPLETE RELIEF. Sounds like an utter exaggeration, but it has saved my life and my children's lives.  The eby and eby study is a good starting base for research. Thank you for all this community has done for me, even if I were only capable of observation.

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Welcome to the boards, Lisa! :)


I checked up on magnesium rich foods and it looks like I have too few of them in my diet, because I also have some of the symptoms mentioned in the wiki for magnesium deficiency. The thoughts you present here and in the article are interesting. I'll have to do more research and buy some leafy greens and beans.


Thanks for the heads up!


Also, your writing voice is funny:

Foods have been dropping in magnesium levels over the past century. The soil is depleted and it is only artificially restored with NPK, Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Our water systems once had so much more magnesium in them.   Where the fuck has all the magnesium gone?

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Thanks Kevin! I'm guessing my digestion was so diminished that, even though I was eating healthy, it wasn't making up for the lost reserves. Barely the minimum. It feels like chemically, the magnesium has just been binding up with calcium deposits all over my body and putting them all where they belong.


 Carl, please oh please do give that a whirl. :D I'd love to hear if it helps others. My mom has lost some weight and seems a bit more jolly. It's early days so I don't want to rush, but I also didn't want to keep the information to myself in case there was anyone in crisis.

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Hi Crallask! I was taking oodles of vitamins. Fish oil, vitamin e, cod liver oil, k, b complex, etc. I was also taking magnesium malate in pill form but never noticed a benefit. I used to also make bone broths rather than store brought broth. I wonder if it kept me hanging on. Oh, and the chickens! I've backyard chickens, which means I get backyard eggs. Those really hit the spot.

I noticed a very quick, significant change. Within the firstweek I felt tremendous. Good luck to you! :)

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I wanted to point out that it's not so much that we don't consume enough magnesium rich foods, but that excess dissolved calcium in the body blocks the absorption of magnesium. The magnesium is out there, but you have to be healthy to absorb it into your bloodstream.


Relevant to the magnesium problem is grain consumption. According to William Davis, author of Wheat Belly, one of the side effects of the consumption of modern wheat is the acidifying of the blood stream. The human body is constantly under homeostatis, so it will attempt to solve the life or death problem by producing an alkaline chemical agent to balance the acid. The body will use calcium carbonate from your bones, making them more brittle, and permeating your body with excess calcium ion, which eventually are excreted. This is how osteoporosis happens.


The above process, and a diet rich in calcium will prevent absorption of adequate magnesium. It's not an issue of magnesium being absent from the foods we eat. Spinach, avacados, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, salmon and mackerel, chocolate are very good sources of magnesium. Also, avoid the foods which block absorption (grains and milk) by causing excess calcium ions in your body.




I'm not a big proponent of vitamin supplements. Alex Jones pushes a product called Oxy Powder Colon Cleanser, which is basically magnesium powder among a few other things. If you consume it regularly, you will be in the bathroom fairly often. If you consume way too much of it, you will have diarrhea. This is how it cleanses out the colon by making you shit profusely. Heavy people like Alex Jones claim to have lost 15 pounds on it, but never more than that. (Hint: It was all water weight.)


I do have my own powder called Natural Calm but I consume it sparingly and only when I sense that I'm getting muscle cramps. It is almost $40 a pound shipped, so not exactly cheap. It has vitamin C, D3, calcium gluconate, magnesium citrate, potassium citrate, and boron citrate. I bought the supplement because one of the side effects of a low carbohydrate diet is not getting enough electrolytes, which can cause muscle cramps and irregular heart palpitations if you are older. I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with a devastating charlie horse in my leg. That's not fun, but as long as I put copious amounts of salt in everything and get enough potassium, I don't have to take the powder. It's the plain, sugar-free variety so it tastes like bubbly chalk as a drink.

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