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Hello Everyone, my name is Tripp. I am a 22 year old guy from Pittsburgh, PA, although I go to school in Upstate New York.


My journey to FDR began about 6 years ago when I attended a semester long study abroad program in Switzerland during my sophomore year of high school. Prior to this event, I was well aware of the verbal abuse and threats in my family and some occasional physicality (ACE of 1), but it was during this program that I realized that my parents are manipulative and controlling. Three years later in college, I began to focus on self improvement free from the bonds of my parents. Initially, I was drawn to pursue women to fulfilled my need for attention. This was done through reading books by Tucker Max and getting into Pick-Up Artistry. I was never comfortable with the manipulation of the PUA field, but it lead me to develop ME+ for throwing parties and trying to fix "broken girls" in exchange for attention and affection. This opened me up to a relationship with an extremely manipulative girl who nearly shut me off from my rugby team and my friends at school. I spent the next year careful to guard my heart against further pain, pursuing a friends with benefits relationships with a girl who has had sex with a number of my friends. I then entered into my most recent relationship with a girl who I was consciously with because I knew I did not want to be alone. I was with her for four months and ignored the traumas of her past and I only broke up with her 9 months ago after my dad commanded me to break off the relationship. He wanted this not because he understood my emotional trauma, but rather because he didn't want me to "date a jew".


Two days after I broke up with my ex, on July 6th, I stumbled upon Stef's lecture about circumcision and how children are hit 933 times/year. By this point, I had been a libertarian for about 1 month after being a conservative for most of my life. My transition to anarchy was pretty quick. Once exposed to the arguments, I felt like things made more sense rather than any sort of visceral reaction. It took me about 1 month after first discovering FDR to become an atheist since I still clung onto the idea of God. After about a week of sleepless night where I feared that a friend who claimed to have been possessed by a demon had sent his demon to me that I realized that I was being ridiculous. It took me three more days after first embracing atheism to finally feel comfortable to stay "God does not exist" out loud.


Since the beginning of my senior year, this year, I initially believed that some of my closer friends were open to anarchy. The first semester saw me realize that promiscuous sex, excessive drinking, and and my "drinking friends" were unhealthy for me. I saw my grades on my history papers in one class decrease since I felt more comfortable writing against the professor's socialist views on history. It wasn't until this past winter that I began therapy, under the guise of "ADD management", lest I receive scorn from my parents like I did when I tried to go two years earlier. I have since encountered only one person in my immediate environment that was open to NAP and UPB and you can read more in this discussion board: https://board.freedomainradio.com/topic/43354-help-i-like-this-girl/#entry396846 However, I have come to realize that even my best friend at school has been manipulating me by pretending to be open to anarchy to buy my friendship. Our relationship has been rocky ever since about two weeks ago when he supported the use of violence against me when I used the "Against Me" argument.


At this point, I only have 2 months of school left, but I am afraid of how the people I thought I could trust have the composite to do harm to me. I've become more active on the board since February because I am tired of feeling alone with my false friends. I know that this will help me in the long run, but the immediate pain really sucks.


Sorry for being so depressing. My goal is to be honest about my journey to FDR and to finally introduce myself after about a month of active participation on the board. I look forward to converse with everyone here on the board. 


I hope you all have a wonderful day!



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