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A Big Wave From Amsterdam :)


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Hi everyone,


I've mostly been lurking the boards and thought it was time I got involved. I've been listening to FDR on and off since last year and now more regularly for the past few months. I was introduced by my brother, who I sadly no longer have contact with after we had a falling out.


I come from Ireland and have been living a couple of meters under sea level since September 2010. I really love living here, especially in such a beautiful and energetic city like Amsterdam.


FDR has helped me tremendously, especially in combination with therapy, which I started February last year. I'm currently discussing the process of DeFOOing with my psychologist and thought about posting this issue on the Self Knowledge board. I come from a very abusive family (I have an ACE score of 7) and I suffered from Dysthymia and General Anxiety Disorder since I was child. I've gotten better thanks to CBT, therapy and FDR - I have better control over my thinking process but I still need a lot of work and a lot of self discovery/knowledge needs to be done. I mostly listen to Stefan's podcasts about self knowledge, relationships, DeFOOing, childhood trauma etc. I sometimes listen to other topics but for now self knowledge is my main interest.


I don't really have many friends but mostly acquaintances. I would love to make deep, emotional connections with people who I can truly call friends. To be honest, if I was to bring up my childhood trauma, I think most of my "friends" would get pretty awkward and I don't think my self-esteem would take that reaction very well. Yeah, I know, I know, it would be very selfish and egotistical of them to do so just to avoid a moment of discomfort, but I'm still working on having more courage and confidence  :ermm:


I'm really honoured to be part of FDR but I have to be very honest about how nervous I feel writing all of this, so please be gentle  :P  :thanks:


Dog tax: This is my dog Pablo. He's kind of majestic  :P 


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Just want to say Hi, TF! Welcome and nice to see another dutch member on the boards. Pablo's facial expression is certainly one of royal bereavedness btw :)


Thanks Ruben! It's nice to know that there are Dutch people involved in FDR. It makes me all the more comfortable living here as an expat  :D



Hey TF, welcome to the board. Love the pug! What's his/her name?

Thank you, Tservitive! His name is Pablo. I've no affiliation with the Spanish language or Spain, I just thought that it fitted him well  :P

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