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A big hello from the UK


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Hi everyone, 

My name is Phil, I'm from the UK. 

I'm actually a psychologist and a behavioural consultant, I discovered Freedomainradio some time ago but recently came back to it. 

I'm looking forward to some good conversation here! 

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Hi Pnelson,

Great to have another person from the UK join. There is a facebook FDR London Meetup group;  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/ There are also other UK groups that you may wish to join on facebook.  


If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave and then come back to FDR?

In the past I have had breaks from FDR podcast, ect... because I have needed time to process the information and my feelings. For me the breaks have never been more than a couple of months. 


Hope you enjoy the broads,


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I discovered FDR some years ago, and from it I discovered Objectivism which, ironically, led me away from FDR. I became minarchist and avoided Anarchist ideas. However recently I've been drifting away from Objectivism - mostly because of Objectivists. The ones I've met are largely insane in one way or another and really not nice people, although I do have a lot of respect for what ARI do as an institution. 

In the end I decided to start supporting FDR again because I think Stefan's approach is far more conducive to spreading the practice of freedom. 

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Hi Phil,


You are welcome to join our small meet up group in London as Stiofan directed above. No insane people within the group thus far. We mix up our meet ups with activties and chats. Just a way for people to connect well with each other in a safe and civilised way.


Our next meet up is in Brighton on the 19th April. But there will be others in London thereafter. Tentatively planning a Sunday afternoon at the Globe theatre sometime soon. All info to follow of course. Nice to meet you all the same.

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