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Why I joined. Also: The blank stare.

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Eight months ago I received a link to a video, called The story of your enslavement. Little did I know how much it would change me. I almost got a neck injury for nodding so much. At that time I went through a divorce that was accompanied by marriage counseling. As bad as this sounds it was a good thing because Stef's video and the therapy were the first time I was presented with meaningful psychology. However, I was also in a dilemma. There was nobody in my social circles to talk to about anything important to me. Whenever I talked about freedom in your social and personal life it was as if I said something inappropriate. People looked at me with a blank stare and changed the topic suddenly. Ever since I try to catch up with what I missed. I am glad that I got the opportunity to take a year off and go on a journey. I am happy this place exists. 

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Welcome! I am also new. Started investigating this stuff a couple months ago. Read UPB, deciding to leave the Mormon Church. Wife wants to leave me. No kids, though... Still hard, but it's worth being honest with myself and trying to share the message with those who are still curious enough to learn.

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