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A massive hello from Wales :)

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Hi everybody,

:D  :)


It's nice to take part and/or be involved in a community that discusses philosophy in such an open and interesting way.


I'm reading through RTR at the moment and it is an eye opener in many ways. Don't know if this happened with any of you guys but I find myself applying the ideas to everyday scenarios with family and friends. It's like part of me feels compelled to be more thorough and rational now that I've recognised the ideas described.


Additionally I'm seeing the examples and mythologies mentioned in RTR demonstrated vividly in real life by people. A dispute of the Jeremy Kyle Show today showed the mythologies and scenarios of RTR and my mind was truly blown.


Be nice to know you!


All the best everyone :thanks:



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Hey welcome to the community mate, always glad to see more UK members :D


Yeah RTR completely blew my mind, just something as simple as just honestly stating 'I felt really upset when you just said that' rather than jumping straight to 'you really upset when you just said that'. 




'This is exactly like saying: “I need a form of transportation,” then spending years testing various makes of cars and researching all the alternatives, and then finally purchasing a car – and then, when you get it home, standing in front of it and exclaiming: “Excellent, now I’m going to turn this thing into a boat!”


That one really resonated with me.


We have two meet-up groups in England if you're interested, feel free to join the Facebook groups and check them out :)  




Northern England


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Thanks to everyone that replied to me.


I had a sinking feeling that it would just be my post on there standing in the virtual wind, rain and sunlight.


Anuojat - You have a welsh friend...I'm so sorry ;)


Wil Otter - I may check out the Branden book. Cheers.


RyanT - Thanks Ryan. I saw that you help organise meet up groups. Good times. Gotta say though; shame they're rather low or non-existent in Wales! Yes RTR is really providing me those kind of moments. I am really taken my time with it because the ideas sort of resonate.

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Welcome to the boards!


 I find myself applying the ideas to everyday scenarios with family and friends. It's like part of me feels compelled to be more thorough and rational now that I've recognised the ideas described.



Stef often talks about how philosophy is not the knowledge, but acting on this knowledge to change ourselves and the world around us (well, he says it much more eloquently).  Happy to see you are applying what you are learning to your everyday life, that takes courage! 

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