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Hello!  I am so excited to have found this place!   I have a funny story about how I got here.  I never got into politics or economics and didn't know anything about it.  I started trying to learn more and even voted Obama in the last elections, I spent the last few years discovering what Jon Stewart had to say, hearing out Russell Brand, read his book Revolution, then read Piketty's book on Capitalism...and if you would have asked me what I believed in I don't think I would have been able to tell you anything unless we spoke of a specific topic or scenario.  All I know is that I could understand all these points from these influences but I still felt like they were really far off, fundamentally speaking.  And if the basis is wrong-then everything else is tainted, no?


I started trying to figure out what my stance was on one subject after another-taking one at a time.  And in doing so I came to so many interesting contradictions that I needed to sort out. 


I met someone in a radical unschooling group last year who opened my eyes up about how we treat children (I've already been a peaceful parent and practiced attachment parenting) but this person also spoke of freedom-ideas that resonated deeply I began to search and that's when I came across one of Stefan's brilliant videos 2 months ago which led to more videos and I found I haven't been able to disagree with him.  I haven't been able to sleep in two months, either!  So, I'm here trying to learn more and maybe not feel like such a freak when talking to other fellow humans.  Well that's me, someone whose journey to figure out her political stance took her right through the Left, over to check out the Right, and then out completely towards anarcho-capitalism, I think?  


I share all this to get my embarrassing past out in the open lol.  I will definitely be learning from you all and I'm looking forward to it.





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What is going on? All the sudden more women are discovering philosophy this is awesome. How do we cultivate more of this? It must be the jujus. Someone on the forum has woman attracting jujus. 


Welcome to the forum collie, there's lots to get lost in around here, but no doubt many people here will be happy to point you in the right direction any time you ask.

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Thanks very much, you all!  Mellomama, in regards to the sleep, I think it's mostly the excitement and the processing I'm doing. I've rarely had trouble going to sleep so I hope talking with others about all this stuff will help me.  It kind of feels like my thoughts have nowhere to go so they are bouncing around in my head.  Any tips anyone has on sleep would be welcome :)

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