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Greetings from 'Middle of Nowhere', North Carolina!


I'm 23 year old woman and just married! I've been listening to Stef's podcasts with my husband for a little less than a year now and I'm excited to finally be a part of the community. You guys seem genuinely friendly and helpful!


We are truly dedicated to philosophy and self-betterment but it's basically impossible to find local people who are willing to talk about these topics and offer constructive conversation. As we've delved deeper into critical thought our social circle dwindled to only a select few friends who understood our intentions without getting uncomfortable and distant, so it's nice to communicate with others who know where we're coming from. 


I'm particularly interested in the philosophy of UPB, familial relationships, and personal responsibility but I still have a lot of internalization to sort out from my own childhood experiences. "The Bomb in the Brain" series is actually what got me interested in FDR because up until that point I never had to examine the negative effects of experiences from my childhood, but now that the "veil has been lifted" I can truly begin the pursuit of a better life. 

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Hi knmcreate. Congratulations!


Welcome to the boards :)


When you say "internalization to sort out", do you mean those sorts of automatic beliefs that aren't necessarily your own that serve someone else's agenda?


I found therapy to be enormously helpful for that. I also have a couple of classic podcast recommendations that I'm eager to share with anyone who may not have heard them yet!


The first is: FDR349 You Are Not Broken




I found this great in that it helped me have more compassion for myself, not feel so fatalistic and better understand why I became who I became.


The second is: FDR678 Everything You Do Is...




This is similar to the first, but made me more curious about the wisdom I already have inside me, and to understand better that I do things for a reason.

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I'd like to piggy-back on this greeting post as another North Carolinian. Hi there. I can also sympathize with the lack of local conversation.


I've been listening for a year and just decided to join the site. I enjoy the anarchy arguments from a moral side. I attended a libertarian college and arrived at anarchy from the economics side of things. There is a certain cold calculation from the Chicago school of economics; and the Austrian and Public Choice side seem to ignore the moral arguments. 


Thanks for having me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the warm welcome!



When you say "internalization to sort out", do you mean those sorts of automatic beliefs that aren't necessarily your own that serve someone else's agenda?


I found therapy to be enormously helpful for that. I also have a couple of classic podcast recommendations that I'm eager to share with anyone who may not have heard them yet!


The first is: FDR349 You Are Not Broken




I found this great in that it helped me have more compassion for myself, not feel so fatalistic and better understand why I became who I became.


The second is: FDR678 Everything You Do Is...




This is similar to the first, but made me more curious about the wisdom I already have inside me, and to understand better that I do things for a reason.


Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I'm currently trying to find a good therapist in my area that can help me sort out all the issues I have with my "inner parents" because I recently defoo'd and it's been a very emotionally draining time.


I never realized how many problems I have with myself that came directly from my parents; I spent most of my life believing that they were good people who I had a healthy relationship with despite sparse comments from my friends about how we were an "interesting" or "odd" family. I started tackling the blind-spots in memories associated with my childhood and transparently saw that I had been taken advantage of by the people I thought were my family. 


But I digress, I'm certain that time and therapy will quell these thoughts. 


I appreciate the recommendations! I'm listening to the first one and it's superbly relatable.


I'd like to piggy-back on this greeting post as another North Carolinian. Hi there. I can also sympathize with the lack of local conversation.


I've been listening for a year and just decided to join the site. I enjoy the anarchy arguments from a moral side. I attended a libertarian college and arrived at anarchy from the economics side of things. There is a certain cold calculation from the Chicago school of economics; and the Austrian and Public Choice side seem to ignore the moral arguments. 


Thanks for having me.


Hello, fellow N. Carolinian! Did you go to a libertarian college in this state? 

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Yes, that's exactly what I mean. I'm currently trying to find a good therapist in my area that can help me sort out all the issues I have with my "inner parents" because I recently defoo'd and it's been a very emotionally draining time.


I never realized how many problems I have with myself that came directly from my parents; I spent most of my life believing that they were good people who I had a healthy relationship with despite sparse comments from my friends about how we were an "interesting" or "odd" family. I started tackling the blind-spots in memories associated with my childhood and transparently saw that I had been taken advantage of by the people I thought were my family. 

I'm very sorry that's something you had to do. I made the same decision myself several 5 years ago.


I absolutely needed therapy to get me through that time, while I reexamined everything. Even though they are physically distant, they are still in your head, as you know.


It may have been easier for me than most since there was already a ton of distance and I was encouraged as a teen to separate from my father, and brother to a lesser extent. But I don't know anyone who found it easy to defoo. I know it wasn't easy for me.


Mad respect for working on getting clarity and reclaiming your own mind. It's not easy work.


Feel free to share more. I know that it can be pretty disappointing trying to talk about this stuff with most people, but there are a lot of people here who would be able to relate, and others who may even have practical advice. But if you don't want to, I can totally understand and appreciate that too.


Take care :)

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