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Hi Stefan and everybody! I'm Colby, and I've been following FDR for quite a while, and much more so recently. I originally came across some "Truth About" videos, particularly "There's no such thing as mental illness ". I appreciated the objective approach, and the factual presentation resonated well. I subscribed, and as time went on, I kept coming back. I enjoy the tackleing of big issues i find here.


I'm listening to older podcasts now, reading the books, and still keeping up with the new material. I can't seem to get enough!


About me: 24, working at a trucking co in KY, single, I got kicked out of a Church for an unwillingness to be pastored, or be dictated to and abused. I'm slowly reading "Against the Gods?". I don't speak much with my family. I'm pretty independent, and want to improve my self-knowledge, and seek out more healthy relationships with others.


I'm glad to be here and hope you all are well - Colby

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Hi Colby!  :Welcome:


I can certainly relate to not being able to get enough. If you're interested, I've got some favorites from the "classics series" (as I call it); podcasts that had a big impact on me.


Does that mean you are religious and are examining atheism? I've never been religious. How's that process going?

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thanks Kevin- I'm definitely exploring the arguments for atheism. I did read "Against the Gods". I'm coming from having experienced fundamental "Christianity", and right now I'm attempting to develop some self-knowledge and examine just about everything. After a neglectful childhood and volatile adolescence, and then entering into fundamental Bible practice and eventually becoming ostracized from that, i now find myself struggling to navigate, but I'm happy to start applying reason and evidence and develope principles and virtue with philosophy. I'm going to try therapy as well.
To your question of whether I'm religious, no; I wouldn't say that I'm religious. Since becoming "marked and avoided" by the Church, i'm not seeking to join another, for i realize Christianity generally doesn't have integrity (neither had i). I realized as proven by studying the Bible, most who profess belief thereof are hypocrites, and since rebelling myself, I'm not interested in subjecting myself to Bible teaching anymore , but rather examination of my beliefs according to fist principals.

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Is this the Classic series you speak of? I appreciate your recommendation.https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL302FFA31BBE44FC7

No, but I certainly recommend anything on that list, as well :)


I just meant anything in the first 1200 podcasts or so. The show has grown a lot and gotten better in some ways, but I started from the beginning of the podcast series (Stef used to tease people for not doing that) and there used to be a different kind of focus on self knowledge topics. There are some real gems from recent call-in shows, but it was a pretty constant topic for stand alone shows for quite a while, and they had a big impact on me.


FDR678 Everything You Do Is...



This one is easily in the top 5 for me. It offers a perspective from which it was easier to trust myself.


FDR1243 The Meaning of Life Part 1 - Meaninglessness


FDR1244 The Meaning of Life Part 2 - Identity as Heroin


FDR1245 The Meaning of Life Part 3 - Integrity as Salvation



These were fantastic for getting me to see a lot more clearly what integrity is and how to achieve it.


FDR70 How to control a human soul



Some listeners used to joke that this was the best podcast and that everything has failed to reach this same height again. It is very good and should definitely count as a classic. It's great for seeing more clearly how traumatic being manipulated as a child can be – the logic of it.


I could make recommendations until the cows came home, so feel free to ask anytime :)

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