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A Pole in London says hello

Matt Shrooms

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Greetings fellow FDR listeners.


I'm happy to be on this forum.

I've been following FDR's YouTube videos for about 2 years now.

I've discovered the channel through 'Girl Wrights What' channel, which in turn I discovered through 'The Amazing Atheist's channel, while I was watching videos containing criticism of Feminazis and Tumbl Feminists.


A few months ago I decided it's time I contribute a little, so I've started donating through a subscription and a few weeks ago I finally took the plunge and registered an account here. Yay!


Like many other Poles, I've decided to migrate away from the socialist hell-hole called Poland (or as I refer to it as 'Pooland') into a slightly less hellish place - the UK.


I'm looking forward to engaging in conversation with people who tend to think critically more often than not and, and not react emotionally all the time.



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Witam Sabras!



Hi Kevin.

Since I've started thinking a bit differently and observing the behaviour of people around me, I could say that the reasons vary from person to person.

It's very hard to gauge what is going on in another person's head but I'd go out on a limb and state that in most cases it's about ego.

Applying reason and logic to many of our convictions tends to crumble them and so many people just can't admit to themselves that they were wrong about things that were very important to them.

You could say that they invested so much time and emotion into certain ideas, that pointing out that they are wrong is seen as an attack on their person. In such cases your argument is dismissed on the spot or you get attacked verbally or sometimes physically.


Following incentives is another cause in my opinion.

Most of the lifestyles we lead in the western world, especially in highly urbanised areas don't reward critical thinking in all aspects of our lives.

Stefan mentioned something along these lines in one of his videos fairly recently - that we're incentivised to use logic and reason to process empirical reality (not walk into fire and such) but not enough to apply the same logic and reason to our position in society.


Goverment education is another reason. It makes a person think in certain ways, patterns - I've observed that in myself actually.

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It's very hard to gauge what is going on in another person's head but I'd go out on a limb and state that in most cases it's about ego.

Applying reason and logic to many of our convictions tends to crumble them and so many people just can't admit to themselves that they were wrong about things that were very important to them.

Thank you :)


I think you're right, and it helped clarify for me an idea I've been mulling over in my head ever since I listened to Stef's Meaning of life series (especially FDR1244). In it he says something to the effect of "identity is the opposite of integrity". He talks about it in a wider context, but where there is the ego thwarting simple honesty, it makes it clear how "having an identity" can be a problem.


I highly recommend the series :)

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