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Hello from the UK (Marketing guy Uk)


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Hello all,


I am delighted to join this community and am looking forward to having some great conversations with you all. I am 32, married and have a 5 year old daughter, we live in Nottingham (UK) and work in Marketing normally but am currently looking for work.


I found Stefan's channel a few years back and am delighted to see how it has worked as a beacon to attracted so excellent people.


Chat with you all soon







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Hi Thomas,

It's great to have more people from UK join the FDR community and I look forward to chatting with you. 


If you don't mind me asking, how did you first hear about FDR?


There is a active, even if small community on facebook and I hope you will consider joining one or both of the groups. You may want to speak with the groups admin first.


FDR London Meetup Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1438425056435291/?ref=bookmarks


FDR Northern England Meetup Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/815773255135016/


Good luck with finding work,


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Hi Stiofan,


I first found FDR a good few years ago. The video was --->



I would by chance see Stefan on other videos that I would type in Youtube. I was not a youtube addict like I am now. I think a few years ago I started donating and getting into the Podcasts. I actually had to take a time out for a while as some off the call in shows and topics made me feel really depressed and very negative about life. 


But here I am. I don't regret taking the red pill as it has made me a better father, but a worse friend to myself. 


How about you Stiofan?


Will check out those Facebook links.

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