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Hello from Germany!


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My name is Nik and I’m a physics student from Germany. I first came across the idea of libertarianism/anarchism about a year ago. At first I had my doubts about the practicality and it took me some time before I actually became an anarchist myself. Although I heard about the philosophy behind Libertarianism and could relate to it immediately, I’ve never really understood the power and value of philosophy until I came across FDR. Looking back I was too caught up with the argument of efficiency and the belief that we somehow needed to get rid of the government before we can be truly free. I am thankful that Stef showed me another way, the right way.


By now I’ve read almost all free ebooks and they already had some impact on my life. I am now trying to learn more about philosophy and how to live with more integrity. So I am thrilled to be part of the conversation.


If there's anything you wanna know about me, feel free to ask.

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Welcome aboard S04! :)


By now I’ve read almost all free ebooks and they already had some impact on my life. I am now trying to learn more about philosophy and how to live with more integrity. So I am thrilled to be part of the conversation.

Great to hear - do you have any interests in particular? 


How far through the podcast series are you?

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Yes. I'm currently really into finding out how to increase my personal freedom, since Stef convinced me that this is the only path to a truly free society. I've read every e-book except The Handbook of Human Ownership and the two parts on anarchy. Does anyone of you know when the third part called Achieving Anarchy comes out or how I can get to it, if it is already written? This would be even more interesting to me than the other unread e-books, because I've already got a good idea of how anarchy will work.


Currently I'm checking in on the early stuff from FDR with topic like 'An Introduction to Philosophy'. Are there any recommendations to episodes I really gotta check out?


For some time I've been asking myself which career path to take. I'm certainly gonna finish my studies with a master degree later on, but after that there's currently just a big question sign. Getting a phd and maybe going into research was my goal for quite some time. But I really wanna bring some value to this world and I can never know whether that is truly the case if people are forced to pay for my services. I'm still trying to somehow find a line between my principles and practicality, since in this current society there is no avoidance of the state.

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Thanks; and yeah I've had way too much time between the semesters...




I spent almost 10 days in total in Berlin this summer, but I don't have any plans to be around anytime soon. I'm living in Aachen right now which is a bit far off, but I would love to join a meeting one day.  :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been having a very busy time lately, but I still have listened to a lot of podcasts und just this weekend I saw two presentations of Stef at some libertarian conference. 


Right now the question about where my career is gonna be heading and what kind of job I'll be doing later really puzzles me. The goal for me so far was finishing my studies of physics with a phd, but now I am really questioning whether this is the best path. I really want to contribute some value through my work and I always thought that this contribution would be in research or working at some innovation of some kind. My strengths are certainly in that field, but I fear they are wasted in some government institution.


So I'm just gonna write down some questions I have on my mind:

- Where in the field of science and innovating new technology can I provide real value.

- Is it alright if I do my phd in regards to my integrity with my values as an anarchist/voluntarist? (Phd, because what I do is interesting me and it's really good for ones career)

- What about working in some bank or maybe for some consulting group? Aren't those only high paying jobs because they benefit from an immoral system?

- Do I need to "invent" a new job for me? Do I then even need my degrees and am only wasting time right now and so on



So please help me on this. What are your thoughts? Are there any conversations on FDR which might be useful for me or any podcasts/videos?

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Then there is one particular question:

Stef called the attacks in Paris 'Muslim Attacks'. He didn't differentiate between islamists and 'regular' muslims. I don't really understand why he did that. I know that islam is not just a religion and that most muslims are peaceful only because human beings are usually peaceful and not because islam promotes peace. Yet I find the generalization somewhat unjust in this case.


Don't get me wrong. I really don't have a strong opinion on this topic yet and my goal right now is more to understand the view of Stef and/or some other people here on the board. Again I'd really enjoy some replies and hints where I can find the right content to dig into.


I also wonder what you guys think of this video on youtube:




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