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Hi everyone, I am new to the boards and have been listening to FDR for around 5 months now. My first video I watched was The Truth about School - Another brick in the wall, and I couldn't find anything I could disagree on.


I am working on meeting new, good people to surround myself with. I am reserved and afraid to speak out and truly connect with people, and I am actively working on this through learning and understand my past.


I wrote this in my journal earlier and I think it reflects what I am looking for out of my life: 

Enjoying life with good people while following where my instincts lead me will pull happiness along on a weightless trailer connected to a pickup truck,  and running over toxic people without feeling a single bump along the way. 


Writing this was nerve wracking and it has taken me a while to get to this point of writing a post, but I hope to contribute and create good relationships with others in this community. 



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Nice post, good start, keep it going!


I notice the phrase "running over toxic people."  Might be a bit toxic itself.  I'd change it to "a pickup truck with an anti-gravity snow plow which flings toxic people some thirty yards to the side in a tumble."  Incrementally nicer.  The metaphorical point is deflection vs. knocking down (look up Aikido).  Might be a useful mental tool.

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Heya Brandon!  :Welcome:


I notice the phrase "running over toxic people."  Might be a bit toxic itself.

What's toxic about it? I like it, personally.


People who stand opposed to my rational values get ran over, not out of malice, but as a consequence of being so full of integrity and ambition that toxic people aren't even speed bumps under my drive. That's how inconsequential they can be, relative to things that are actually important. It's having clarity and working toward virtue.


At least, that was my interpretation.

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Thank you AccuTron and Kevin.


I understand how it can be thought of as being toxic to want run someone over, but to me they aren't worth any kind of retaliation. What I meant was to pass over them without worrying about what I can't control, such as their toxicity, because it isn't worth my time or effort. Think of the devil's version of the serenity prayer. 

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Hi everyone, I am new to the boards and have been listening to FDR for around 5 months now. My first video I watched was The Truth about School - Another brick in the wall, and I couldn't find anything I could disagree on.
I am working on meeting new, good people to surround myself with. I am reserved and afraid to speak out and truly connect with people, and I am actively working on this through learning and understand my past.
I wrote this in my journal earlier and I think it reflects what I am looking for out of my life: 
Enjoying life with good people while following where my instincts lead me will pull happiness along on a weightless trailer connected to a pickup truck,  and running over toxic people without feeling a single bump along the way. 
Writing this was nerve wracking and it has taken me a while to get to this point of writing a post, but I hope to contribute and create good relationships with others in this community. 


Hi Brandon, you sound like my brother from another mother. I'm new here too! :) Welcome

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