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Appealing to the alt-right?


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In Stefans recent discussions with Bill whittle and his numerious videos on immigration and Donald Trump, he has said some things that seem me to be either appealing to those in the fence on the right or implisidly advocating for State programs or even Donald trump himself.


Now correct if i am wrong, but he has said that "we are at war with them" and that "youre squandering what youre forefathers fough and died for".


He seems to me to have become more and more willing to implisidly promote if not endorse trump and the ideas that "western society" is something were all part of like a tribe. Which is i disagree with.


We are all induviduals and should be judged so and advocating implicibly for any state policies would make one not an ancap.



Forgive me if my concerns and fears are unfounded but for the last few months Stefan has been talking more and more about western culture and scoiety instead about peaceful parenting, philosofical deeper problems WHY there is this influx of muslims and also starting humbly from principles and NOT pushing these seemingly nationalistic and collectivist ideas.


Has anyone else gotten this Implisiveness from his videos? Are my concerns unfounded?

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Peaceful parenting is western culture. Philosophy is western culture. Stephan says all the time "finish the war or go home", instead of Obama's endless meddling that has no end in sight. It seems to me like his opinion right now is that continued leftist governmenta policy does very real damage to generational IQ and the foundations of philosophy. Donald Trump is possibly one of the best we can get right now. Stephan says all the time that it's impossible at the moment to go after the FED and that doing so is a waste of time. The Trump story is interesting because he really is dismantling one of philosophy's great enemies, and that would be the sophist media. Not ideal, but it's a possibly tiny step in the right direction.


Just my opinions and observations.

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Peaceful parenting is western culture. Philosophy is western culture. Stephan says all the time "finish the war or go home", instead of Obama's endless meddling that has no end in sight. It seems to me like his opinion right now is that continued leftist governmenta policy does very real damage to generational IQ and the foundations of philosophy. Donald Trump is possibly one of the best we can get right now. Stephan says all the time that it's impossible at the moment to go after the FED and that doing so is a waste of time. The Trump story is interesting because he really is dismantling one of philosophy's great enemies, and that would be the sophist media. Not ideal, but it's a possibly tiny step in the right direction.


Just my opinions and observations.


But if this is the case why spend time on politics rather than philosofy or peaceful parenting or maybe even on why islam is so bad specifically  "truth about islam" or "truth about multiculturism" ect. This talk of politics and trump (to the decree its talked about) has me concerned that stefan is ADVOCATING impliciply that "we" in the west should resist the muslim/third world refugees because how destructive they are to "our" culture. When in fact theyre not destructive to culture but to property rights, reason evidence and logic NOT culture. Culture is often used as umbrella term for tradition, religious beliefs, nationalism ect.


Philosofy and peaceful parenting are universal and thus cannot be attributed to any "culture" expect insofar among which they historically developed.


And whther or not Trump is dismantling the media or not (which i havent seen any evidence of jus tthat he challanging it) doesnt matter because we are still talking about statism and he is willing to use violance againts peaceful people. Politics will NOT set us free.

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I agree Anuojat, and it's important to stress philosophical consistency at times, but I think having some perspective also is important.  Yes we have problems in the West, but still we have more freedom than most people in the world for most of history.  I think Stef is pushing back against the race-baiting narrative, that considers any skepticism of government run multiculturalism to be racist.  If things continue as they are, I see a race war coming to the US, and possibly Europe as well, so I understand Stef and Trump and others talking about this issue.

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